Agree with @Charleigh I’d also explain it to him. Idk how much he helps with baby but maybe taking some off your plate would help or finding other ways to be intimate that doesn’t necessarily include sex.
Just commenting to let you know you’re not alone! I’m nearly 3 months pp, also exclusively bf and just have zero interest in anything. I don’t have an answer to though and I don’t think it’s priority to ‘fix’ it, you’ve been through so much the past year and baby is number 1 priority so it just might take time. I’m glad he’s not putting pressure on you x
We co-exist as roommates currently and to be honest I don’t mind it at the moment but also don’t want him to feel like he’s not appreciated I suppose (although I do make the effort to verbally encourage this)
This is normal. You don't need to have sex right now