@Deborah Thank you, I can't wait to start feeling better again and being able to do things. It's been so difficult, mentally and physically draining 😔 My baby always cries anytime anyone speaks to her. That isn't me, her dad, or my other children. I keep thinking it's because she isn't out and socialising enough
I don’t think it’s because she’s not socializing enough. Interacting with you, your husband and your other IS socializing. I think it’s just her temperament at this age and it’ll change as she grows. For the first 6 months my baby mostly saw just me, his dad and his grandma but when friends came to visit he would smile at them. It’s just a temperament thing and every baby is different
@Deborah I'm hoping that's just what it is. Hopefully she does grow out of it soon
I was in the exact same situation just 2 months ago. I had to ask my mum and a friend to come help with my baby because I just couldn’t function. I felt guilty too because I wasn’t spending time with my baby and it affected our bond. I’m just coming out of the first trimester now and feeling a bit better to spend time with my baby again and we are re-establishing our bond. You’re not alone mama. It will get better and you will get to do those things with your little one in time.