Place nappy caddys round the house with all your bits in too. As yasmin said lots of food prep! X
-Ensure you have support: when friends and family ask what they can do, ask for meals; think about who you can turn to if you need emotional support; discuss with your partner/immediate support how they can assist you -Have your baby items organised so that they are easy to access- especially change table items, baby clothes etc. I had everything organised in tubs with lids on and ended up rearranging our most used items into tubs without the lids on to save searching for things in the middle of the night - Stock up on pain meds, sanitary pads, burp cloths/towels, feeding essentials - Put together a watch list on Netflix/have some books ready as you will have a lot of bed and couch time! - Try to practice breathing techniques and think about ways in which you can calm yourself when things get overwhelming - look into hosp support services Nothing can truly prepare you for PP- just be kind to yourself and accept as best you can that it will be tough but you will get through it!
From a practical point of view: - prepare and freeze some meals ready - get a box set up in the bathroom with things you'll need post-partum (maternity pads, spritz spray etc.) - if breastfeeding have a bag with things you need/want with you when sat breastfeeding that you can take to wherever you're about to feed (waterbottle, breastpads, nipple cream, book, headphones, snacks) - organise baby's room (all nappy changing stuff easily set up - changing mat, nappies, cotton wool/wipes, spare vests) From a mental/emotional point of view. - get some positive audio books or podcasts ready for motherhood. I recommend Raising a Good Mother by Anna Mathur. A good parenting book is French Children Dont Throw Food. Don't go nuts with parenting books as the information is always conflicting but it's good to get a bit of information sometimes. - use any opportunity to have time to yourself ! Chances are you won't want to but force yourself! Just a walk or bath! - be kind to yourself!!! ❤️ You'll smash it!
Love all of these! I'd also add put some things aside that you love for later e.g. a really nice shower gel or soap or something that brings u joy! Buy yourself some cozy pjs that are breastfeeding friendly if u plan to bfeed. Treat yourself to anything and everything that will make the postpartum that little bit nicer xx I'd also say food prep treats for yourself! Haha can you tell I'm all about the treats! Next postpartum that's exactly what I'll be focusing on alongside the dinner prep!
Have lots of pre-made meals & snacks. Have some comfy lounge wear you can wear on rotation . join a weekly baby group . Buy baby clothes in advance. Ask family to come over to help, if they are supportive. Don’t put to much pressure on yourself to be perfect
Cook and freeze lots of healthy home cooked meals! You’ll thank yourself later x