Tips to handle the pain of contractions

I’m only 4cm and the pain is unbearable. This is my second baby and last time I delivered on gas and air and some diamorphine which I don’t want again for my baby she was so drowsy. How can I get through this pain other than focusing on my breathing which has stopped working 😭
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Do you have a hard comb or something like that you can squeeze ? I found it took my mind off of things until I got into hospital and got the gas and air to bite down on

Get your birth partner to really push on your lower back with as much as strength as they can. My husband was told to do this by the midwives and I honestly don’t know how I would’ve got through them without that taking the pressure off so much. He did it non stop for two hours at every contraction until I was literally ready to push

A tens machine helped me if you have one available or warm water / bath

Are you in labour ward? Are you on gas and air? That’s what I’ve found got me through. It’s the diamorphine that makes the baby drowsy so gas and air is fine if that’s an option you want to take. I just tend to moan my way through them lol. Try lean on your birthing partner for any massage or comfort they can provide maybe even get on the ball? Good luck it’ll be over before you know it 🤞🏼🤍

I used a comb and squeezed, standing in the shower, you could try a bath but that was useless for me, a tens machine, i also lay on my birthing ball. I laboured for a whole week then gave in and used a tens machine my water broke and i was 7cm

I had my husband squeeze my back every time a contraction came and that really helped, I also found it’s more painful when I was lying on my back so I rested on my elbows and knees and he squeezed my back, also used a comb to help.

Definitely another vote for the comb - it’s gonna take a while for the bruises on my hand to go away from that 😂

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