Why are they like this? Honestly is it in the MIL or grandma-in-law rulebook or something 🤣 Stand your ground, who cares if she gets pissed off. You are mum!
@Shore 🤣 stay tuned because she always has some wild advice to give me.
@Rach right? She changed after I had kids too. Like she realized that her last born had different priorities and now she needs all his attention.
Do you have a tool shed? You could stand up a coffin in there.
@Zainab🗝️ omg that’s a good idea. 🤣
@Sarah 🎀 our tool shed has string lights and a little space heater. Probably mice. She would feel right at home.
MIL are copy paste of each other. Mine is the same. Every time she comes I am the bad guy
@Zainab🗝️ can I just send her your way? That’s way cozier than mine.
Some mothers have never learned to accept boundaries set by folks younger than them. It may be time to set boundaries and tell her in no uncertain terms she's not going to spoil your kid and interrupt your parenting in your house or in front of you
You have to be a bitch and tell her to fuck off. Thats what I had to do after dealing with mine. Once she saw my crazy side she never tried my patience again.
How long will she be there for?? If it’s for a small time then Pick ur battles . For the small stuff just let it go but say something like ” ok I’ll allow it this time since grandma is here” or “oh I usually don’t do this at my house but bc ur here I’ll make an exception “ Basically letting her know it’s ur rules but ur giving her permission to do other wise For the big stuff then deff put boundaries and a simple NO works . No explanation needed “ no I don’t want it “ “ no I don’t like it”
Ugh. That sounds rough. And there’s a language barrier right? Or she speaks English? I can’t remember if you can properly tell her to calm the f down, lol. When my MIL in law comes, she’s very overbearing and like yours, has the craziest, most outdated, dangerous advice. I just tell her that’s not what’s suggested anymore and if I throw the word doctor in there, she usually backs off. For little things, I pick my battles and just allow it if it’s not a major deal. For things that are absolute in my book, I step in and say it’s not happening. Very calmly but sternly.
How long is she staying for?
@MJ_xo no clue. she goes between my house and her daughters. Everyone just assumed she was moving in when I had my son. She’ll probably stay with her daughter for a few weeks then start coming over here again but we go over to her house often. There is a big barrier but I’ve actually been putting more effort over the last few months to learn more with my toddler.
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@Luz so she goes between my house and my SILs house but SIL is planning to move back in with her husband soon and I think MIL will be moving in here. My husbands Indian so there’s honestly some cultural “rules”. Technically she’s supposed to live with her first born son but his wife is very mean to her and she treats him poorly and it upsets her so much that’s she refuses to stay more than a few nights.
@Heather I have but there’s a language barrier. Even with my husband being the messenger things never changed. I didn’t want to hangout with her when I was like three weeks pp with my son so I just rested in my room with him for 80% of the day and she got offended and went back to her daughter house. She was watching TV all day at max volume and I was fried. Idk we rarely have our tv on these days it was too much for my brain. This was so long ago so we’ll see.
You got this! Just vent to us on here instead of to hers we’ll hold you up 😈♥️