I had 3 2nd degree tears all in need of stitching. It does suck, but it does get easier, I'm 3 weeks in, pain is much better although it's still sore to go to the toilet/feels a bit tight sometimes. I found staying on top of painkillers helped, as well as using a peri bottle to go to the toilet, and the main saving grace was sitting on an ice pack!
I had a third degree tear and strangely I don’t have any pain yet… starting to think this isn’t normal… I’m only on Ibuprofen pain killer wise.
Painkillers and also used an ice pack, I used flushable wipes for the toilet coz I just found it easier than toilet paper the first few days.
Get yourself some reusable perineal ice packs they were an absolute lifesaver for me and I used them with my first and second baby - episiotomy with 1st, small tear/graze with 2nd. Peri bottle - fill it with luke warm water and use it as your urinating, pat dry. Donut cushion for rest. I have under 2wks to go and I’m still trying to hunt down these few items in store 🤣
I felt rough until the end of week 2 where I started being able to move move. I bought a donut cushion to sit in which helped loads and just took regular ibuprofen xx
Those saying ice pack, how?? The idea of sitting on anything even vaguely hard does not appeal 😂 peri bottle is my life saver at the moment and trying to lie rather than sit when resting. I’ll look at a donut cushion!
@Beth https://frida.co.uk/products/instant-ice-maxi-pads
I had an episiotomy with my first, I was told not to bath (as it can dissolve the stitches too soon) and I just kept on top of pain relief, I also used to just rinse myself with the shower head no soap and then lay to dry so the wound was getting as much air as possible xx
@Beth the reusable ones I had were gel like beads - not solid ice blocks. Like this: https://www.amazon.com.au/Reusable-Perineal-Postpartum-Hemorrhoid-Pregnancy/dp/B0C67TRSXV
@Beth I know it doesn't sound appealing but honestly it really does help, I was surprised! The ones I had were similar to what Sharnee has linked, they're small gel like beads. But honestly, it's a bit of a shock for a few seconds but it really is worth it. It numbs you pretty quickly and the relief I honestly can't stress is incredible!
@Chloe 😫 they helped me sooo much. I’m actually struggling to find some in store to pick up before my 3rd gets here. And regardless if there’s tears/grazes/stitches I’ll be using them
I found ice packs made it worse. Felt like the area was burning so my midwife told me not to use them anymore cos it can be more painful for some people. I just made sure the area was never wet and softly patted it dry after going to the loo. And of course use painkillers if you need too. Taking it easy and resting is the main thing at the moment and it honestly does get better.
I have a grade 3 tear and episiotomy- the spritz for bits is really soothing, airing the area out is really helping regularly and also I brought a sitz bath with Epsom salts which I’m yet to try
I have seen people freeze maternity pads with aloe Vera and witch hazel which gives it a cooling effect. Wrap them up in foil and freeze. X
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I’m on day 4 and I’m very uncomfortable too but it’s got a bit easier. Lots of painkillers and spritz for bits on a pad has been a life saver - also sitting on a doughnut pillow/v pillow if you have one, the relief!
Thank you so much ladies I’ve ordered a pillow and one of the gel packs off Amazon. I just had a nap with it all airing too which felt great so I’ll keep that up!!
It gets better, I had an episiotomy and felt completely better by 2 weeks. Keep on top of your painkillers and take it easy x