Message me - see if I can be of any assistance. 🤗 I have 3. I should be technically out of the frazzled period as my littlest is now 21 months. Technically 😅
@Mahbuba Ahh wish I could afford some help! My friend is coming over tomorrow to see us and I’m gonna have to get her to hold fort so I can shower!
You are amazing!!!! Things will get easier. So much respect for you!!! Xx
I have 3 girls the youngest is one going to be 2 soon and 13 and 10 year old so I no how u feel I felt like that for very long time when my baby was a couple of months old all I wanted to do was cry 😢 but it dose past I promise x
Im a mummy to three also !!!! Hang in there tough times pass !!! Xxxx
Don’t know what to say. I only have one and I am like this. God knows what would have happened if I had three! I can only sympathise. On a more practical level, I suggest getting your friends to babysit for a few hours or get a nanny or home help for a few hours a week.