I had sex 5 days after my first 🙈 don't judge. I had a csection and my husband is in the army and had been away for 6 weeks 🤣
You have a dinner plate sized wound where your placenta detached. Give yourself time to heal and enjoy your new baby, an infection can make you terribly unwell x
Lol oh that's soon!! I'd be extra careful mama as you're super fertile after having a baby! And more risk of infection xx
What about a condom my friend is saying ?
Goodness, I would give your body a little more time to heal. It's been through a major trauma!
@Emma was it okay did you experience any discharge after?
@shahad it was brilliant 🤣🤣🤣 it was 5 years ago but 🙈 it wasn't my husbands idea but I kept on pestering him from night 2 he's just reminded me 🤣🤣 I obviously hadn't given birth naturally though so down below was fine. No discharge or anything. Xx
Yea that's way too soon, I honestly don't know how u could even want to 😅. Even if you didn't tear, it still feels like your insides are gonna fall out! Give it 2weeks absolute minimum!
It’s penetrative sex they advise against for the first 2 weeks so oral is fine I believe