Men are AHs I would remind him in fact that you’re not ‘trapped’ you can still leave and you will. The pure instant shift change would have me feeling like absolute crap and would make me question leaving. Men seriously think because you’re pregnant we won’t leave? We want the best for us and our babies. A happy mum helps that.
Exact same boat with my partner, i was pregnant with my LB first trimester he wouldn't speak about it 2nd trimester he would be wasn't helpful at all, he even stormed out on the day of our gender reveal because i said i wanted a quick bath before i finished doing decorations and got ready, he wasn't happy with that for some reason and left me to sort it myself, turned back up when half the guests where here, refused to attend the baby shower if he meant he had to pay towards it so i made it all female which ik can be normal but i wanted us both to enjoy it, first 6 weeks of babies life, didn't sterilise a bottle, didn't do a feed didn't change a nappy didn't bath or change baby! i thought then this is not the life i want for me or my child when he's incapeable of the simplest things, baby got a bit older and i kept telling him i need help he started doing more, helping me more he sterilised bottles did feeds so i could jump in the bath etc, finally started helping on a night of felt
like a turning point for us. Then i found out i was unexpectedly pregnant at 4 months pp!! He went cold after that he was awful told me he didn't wanna be a dad didn't want our first baby and doesn't want this one, i told him to leave he went then came back promising to change i gave him an chance he changed for a week or so went back to his same ways again. I am glad i have my baby and im pregnant i wouldnt change it for the world but i wish i could change their dad! I've been stressed for months because of him hes been outa work since a month before baby was born, we should be splitting everything 50/50 this however he snot happened. He went and worked away for a week from this monday just gone, i am a different person. Walking everyday, rarely stressed never upset getting more done less tired less headaches, i am actually dreading him coming back! I've told him work away as long as he has to because we can cope and he's bringing in money then!! Men are awful, your body knows it too
Sorry, I voted wrong. I don’t think you’re being delusional at all.
When I was pregnant with my daughter I knew I wasn’t having anymore kids with my exhusband and I was so sad about it because I did want more kids… just NOT with him and not in that scenario at all it wasn’t how I envisioned parenthood it was terrible I had no support with the children and I was the breadwinner and in a sexless marriage and when we did have sex he refused to wear a condom and even pull out it felt like he was trying to trap me I became isolated from my friends and I was always blamed for feeding decisions (it was so weird) And with my son I was like “well he won’t turn out like his dad because I’m his mom” and then with my daughter I was like “if she was with a man like this I’d tell her run… so why aren’t I running?”