You can take prenatal vitamins or women's vitamins. Your hair will most likely grow back on its own but our hormones are all out of whack right now. If you had anesthesia, that makes your hair fall out too. If you take your vitamins and take care of your health and stress levels, hair should stop falling out and start growing in by 6 months to a year
I’m 3 months op too and am losing so much it’s so alarming. Like handfuls. It feels super scary doesn’t it 🫤 but just another thing we have to ride out I think. I’m getting some cute headbands to try and feel less bald 😅
I've heard rosemary oil is good
I would use the native strength shampoo cuz my mom told me I would start losing hair and I haven’t had a problem since
Biotin, look into hair bobbles that are less tight on your hair, I use caffeinated shampoo and conditioner from revita (they have bunch of research to prove it works) and then sometimes I use natural shampoo and conditioner from miniml. I use argan oil too prior washes
Alpecin caffeine shampoo helped me, and I switched to using claw clips rather than bobbles when having my hair up so it wasn't as tight on my hairline.
As soon as I hit the 3 month I’ve been starting to lose soo much too 😢 it’s so scary, I just bought some organic collagen today hopefully it helps
It’s usually hormonal so not much you can do. Take your usual multivitamins and biotin. I also used rosemary oil. It will start to grow back in a few months, and then you end up with these annoying baby hairs lol
I am two months postpartum too and im losing a lot her too I don’t know what to do either