Returning to work emotions, help?

Had my return to work meeting today, although I'm not back till June it made me instantly anxious and upset. Anyone else feeling like this and how are you dealing with these emotions? Can't stop hugging my baby and feeling sad about it....
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I cry a little that I've got two months left. I want to return to work but I was planning to go back part time but our financial situation is different unexpectedly and so I now have to go back full time. I'd be okay if it was part time. Now I keep thinking about everything I'm going to miss.

Oh its so normal I cry all the time about going back. Not about doing the job I do but the fact it's my last ever maternity and leaving my little girl

I did not want to go back with my now 3 year old at all! I was lucky that I went from full time to only 2 days a week! But I was still gutted. Tbh this time with my twins I’ll be running back, once I was settled I enjoyed the break and adult interaction :) x

Thanks all, i am looking forward to my job and adult interaction. I work as a paediatric nurse so it's long hours even though it's only 3 days a week. I can't stop thinking about how much I'll miss her and milestones.

I go back to work on Monday and dreading it, I’m doing a phased return and will be full time again by March (my husband went part time after little one was born) but definitely feeling bad about missing out on the day to day time with little one. I also feel anxious about performing at work, I don’t feel like my brain is as good or efficient as it used to be so worrying I won’t be any good at my job anymore. No advice, I think it’s normal and I’m imagining the thinking about it and the dress will be worse than actually doing it!

I’m on my second week back and part time. I cried so much the day before. But it’s not as bad as I expected, yes I miss her and think about her. But it is nice to see all my friends and have a laugh. She’s at my mums for 3 days, so I do think that’s help. But I definitely think the build up of returning to work was worse than actually going back to work xx

@Leigh thank you for this that's reassuring to know. My girl will be either with my mil or my parents so that's good too. Gives me peace of mind she's with familiar people.

@Amber definitely feel this regarding performance at work although I do think it will all come back once we're in that environment. Luckily my manager offered supernumerary shifts for me so I can get into the swing of things so maybe request that if possible?

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