I’m going through the same thing with my 1 month old babyboy.. your not alone 😌
It does get easier as you get more used to it. What makes it overwhelming for you if there’s anything specific?
Yes, my baby turned two months today. So I just get out and do it. The more I do it,the more I get used to it and the more I simplify the process of getting ready. I have to get ready in order to find ways to shorten the time it takes. So practicing makes life easier for me.
@Jenece mine is also 2 months today!! 🥳
@Noelle awwww Sweet! Happy 2 months to you and baby Mama 🥳🥳12/1/2023 5lbs 7oz 7:37PM 🫶🏾
Same. I just don’t go out much yet lol. Once he’s a little bigger I’ll feel more comfortable. No one seems to understand the anxiety and overwhelming feeling🤷♀️. I’m very bored also. Going out on simple walks helps a lot.👍
Same here I never know whether to use a carrier or stroller regardless I just want to avoid my 2month old baby body screaming bloody murder 🫠
It got easier for me when I had to change a dipper and feed him the the car, from then on I felt more comfortable knowing that I could still go out and take care of him outside of the house 😊
Going to grocery store is overwhelming for sure. Today I almost collided with a woman on a scooter because I’m still getting used to pushing the cart with a car seat on it. But I figure if I don’t do the things, I’ll never learn how to do the things. So I just make myself go, even though it’s hard. Unfortunately, I think my baby knows it’s my first time being a mom, because he’s constantly throwing me annoyed looks. 🤣
@Maisey just getting used to a new sense of awareness. I’m wear her bc I’m afraid of someone taking her out of her stroller 🙃🤣 and the carrier gets to be a lot after a while. It’s also a lot of people for a small girl 🤣🤣🤣 people are crazy
@Natalie that’s what my current solution is! Haha going out on walks helps abit
@Stephanie yes bc that’s what happened to me at Aldi! Had to leave my cart and feed her in the car hahah
@Ashley not the baby judgement ! 🤣🤣 good to know we’ve all felt this before
Yes, it gets easier. : )