I felt really anxious at first but when it came to it I felt like it was easier to manage than I thought. I basically built it up in my head that it would be really challenging with him but in reality it wasn't that bad. It really helps if you meal prep and get some laundry or odd chores done the day/night before so you haven't got that to stress about as well as looking after the baby.
I felt so anxious with my first but you get in the swing of things quickly. I was nervous for my first drive alone with baby, first outing etc but I soon got used to it all. Good luck ❤️
I'm terrified honestly. My partner works 2 weeks on 2 weeks off in London which is quite far from us and he has to stay there the whole time so I don't see him for 2 weeks of the month. Already had several big cries about how I'm going to do this on my own. You're not alone girl 🤍 Feel free to message me if you need to talk.