Lots of people experience this! It is considered anxiety. Unless you are thinking about taking actions that would harm you or the baby such as “what if I jump in front of this car”, or it begins to feel unmanageable or overconsuming your day to day life, then I think just being aware of it and acknowledging that you don’t want any harm to come your way is okay. If it becomes more than that or concerns you in any way, definitely speak to a doctor or therapist and seek help!
Please try not to worry about intrusive thoughts. I’ve just done some therapy for them and its surprising the number of people who actually have them! Whilst they can be scary in the moment, i find sometimes telling the thoughts to ‘go away’ helps. I’m not having them at all atm! If they start affecting you more and more though, definitely speak to a GP 🩷
Listen, you’re not alone! They’ve eased up a bit, but I spend a lot of time driving, so a lot of mine were crazy and really Evil Knievel-ish.😩 I never think of dying or anything, just a lot of what would happen if.