
Does anyone else have a super fussy/colicky baby? I swear if my girl isn’t feeding or sleeping or in the bath she’s constantly crying. It’s so overwhelming, idk if she’s just colicky or if I’m not feeding her enough, she always seems hungry and always on the boob. It’s stressful and I feel like I’m the only one that can comfort her, my husband just passes her to me. I’m up all night with her and barely get any sleep. During the day the second you put her down she wakes up and cries. I just feel so stressed. I just want her to be happy and not cry alllll day long 😭. Picture of my pretty girl for tax.
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Do you have a baby swing?

Yes. Try this one. My baby didnt like the 4moms swing.

Have you tried gripe water? Maybe she might also like the warmth? If she’s comforted my your skin and the warm water of the bath. Idk how you have her dressed at home but maybe add another layer of clothing? I know it’s not recommended to wear hats indoors but maybe a light thin one so she feels that warmth in case that’s a comfort for her.

How do her feeds look? Does she look satisfied after? Having issues pooping at all? My little girl was born december 1st and honestly has been very chill. I feel terrible you are experiencing such a hard time! Is she barfing much or anything thats causing her upset? For me as long as shes fed well a rocked to sleep shes good but I know every babies so different. If she is up alot you may be stretching her wake windows too much. Try and aim for 1 hr and once she yawns get her to bed.

I have a few suggestions to try if you haven’t already! 1) Drinking fennel tea (if you can stand the taste of licorice). Just get some loose fennel seeds from Amazon and drink once a day. I have a super gassy baby and it helps his digestion a ton - add ginger if you like. It’s the same ingredients as what’s in gripe water without all the additives. 2) Look up the symptoms of silent reflux. Tongue thrusting, arching back, spittle, lots of spit up, only sleeping or being calm upright. 3) The warmth of the bath might be helping if her stomach is upset. You could try a rice sock on her stomach, not too hot of course. 4) How old is she? Cluster feeding is normal! The more you latch, the more milk you should produce. If you’re concerned your supply isn’t enough, the biggest thing is probably hydration. Lotssss of water. If she’s gaining weight properly though, you’re feeding her enough! 5) Swaddling at night maybe?

6) Vibration! My boy loves it, it’s the only thing that keeps him asleep during the day and it helps him go back to sleep on his own. Otherwise he only sleeps in the Moby wrap on my chest. We couldn’t afford a Snoo - we put a massage seat under his bassinet that has a vibration setting. It only goes for 10 minutes but it’s long enough to soothe him

7) Baby wearing - if she has silent reflux or just really enjoys being held, it’ll keep her upright for long periods without you needing to be holding her She might be overtired at this point, if she’s never really sleeping well. Anything that’ll help you push the reset button and get some good sleep is good 8) Gassy baby exercises - we do them in this order: tummy rubs straight down, then from their right side to their left side. 8 each. Then bicycle kicks. Then windmills from side to side. Then pull their legs straight down and create room in their torso. Then knees to chest, feet together like they’re in the womb. Sometimes I gently push on his belly while doing knees to chest and that usually does it for him

Also is she grunting and straining a lot? Or more so just purple crying?

Sorry one more thing - pediatric chiropractor! If you had a long or difficult birth she might have a lot of tension or discomfort in her skull/neck/spine/shoulders/hips. Even if it was a quick birth, it’s possible that something is a little off

Also just sending solidarity because I’m in a similar boat. Just remember you’re doing your best, and this phase will pass ❤️ One more thing sorry - sometimes reflux babies nurse more often because it manages their pain. It may be another reason she’s always on the boob

Omggg yesss and I’m struggling this is my third baby and I’ve never experienced this with my other two 😭

If she's breast fed, have you tried changing your diet? I don't drink coffee, or eat anything spicy or beans/lentils/cabbage/broccoli... Pretty much anything that would make you bloated or gassy I don't eat. (I'll start eating all that once the baby is about 4 ish months) And see how she does. Then I resume my diet as usual.

My daughter is exactly the same but seems to cry at a certain period of the night. She is 7 weeks now and usually starts around 9pm till 1am. I’m literally trying my hardest to console her, through skin to skin, breastfeed, rocking her in my arms until my back gives way and then finally she will go to sleep and will sleep for 4 or 5 hours straight. Is it a growth spurt or colic… I’m soo confused

@Jenece yess I have this one

@Sandra I haven’t tried gripe water but just bought some. Have you tried it before? Had good luck with it?

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@Sarah she looks satisfied after, but once I put her down to sleep she wakes up :( she spits up sometimes but not a ton. She only sleeps if she’s on me too

@Mali thank you so much for the suggestions I’ll try it! She is a little over a month old

Gas drops work really well! My boy gets extremely fussy whenever he has even the slightest bit of gas. We also discovered he has bad reflux so his doctor prescribed medication for it and it works really well it makes it so he actually sleeps at night and doesn’t wake up scream crying all the time. He really likes his swing and play mat - we have the fisher price kick and play mat and he prefers to lay there playing then laying in my arms lol he’s just super curious now that he’s more aware of his surroundings and gets really upset when he can’t look around or interact with things. He’s extra fussy when going through growth spurts too especially when it’s a developmental one their little brains are taking in so much information it can be overwhelming for them

@Mali I did have a suuuuper long birth so maybe that’s why! I have gone to the chiro twice so far. She seems like her back is super stiff all the time and her legs are stiff, she screams extra when changing her diaper and her legs are all stiff

@Brenda I haven’t yet but could try that

@Audrey aww bummer! I know my daughter forsure prefers to be snuggled up with me lol If you dont make sure to swaddle! We have those velcro ones. I would rock till you think shes asleep for 5-8 minutes and transfer slowly, body first, head last, can apply light pressure on stomach when releasing her head. I then am basically silent for 10 or so minutes as shes beside my bed.

@Audrey I think it works. My baby doesn’t get fussy much but when he does I give him some and it seems to work. Just b careful with it and when you give it to her aim towards her cheek and don’t do it while she’s actively crying bc she could choke.

I have (its getting better now, she's 9wks) the same since around 3wks. Doctor said it could be colic , moving around, boob and being held Is really all that will settle and will grow out of it. I thought it was reflux and stopped drinking milk and cheese and that helped. Also stopped drinking caffeine as that can have a stimulant affect. Upto around 10 days ago I also didn't have any wake windows and now I notice her cues or think she's been awake 45 - 60min then ill take her to a quiet spot and rock her to sleep.... so overall it's really trial and error. like I say, she's 9wks and is definitely better.

It’s all normal for newborns, some babies are just more fussy and demand more contact with the mom. It is hard but sometimes you just surrender and relax with them. I take it a bit easier with the second one during the day. Just chill on the sofa with her :) otherwise she doesn’t sleep properly. A carrier/wrap/sling works perfect if you want to get out of the house or wearing her at home to do something around the house as well, pram walks if she is keen. And all of the above listed tips. Try it all and hope something works! Remember it’s all temporary with the babies. This fussiness usually goes away by 3-4 months. The 4th trimester is tough for all of us but it is crucial! Good luck mama, you got it 🙌

It might be worth it to look into a tongue tie. Our little girl was severely tongue tied and had a lip tie and two cheek ties as well! She was very very fussy as a newborn and would scream for hours on end. Once she was diagnosed properly and we corrected the problem, she’s been an ENTIRELY different and happy baby.

My baby was so colicky, midwife recommended going to this chiropractor that works with babies and she found the problem with his neck, where a nerve that goes down to his digestive system was affected, and therefore causing his tummy to be rock hard and crying every night for hours. After I went to her a few times is crying. It was pretty amazing. Maybe it’s worth a shot?

@Rachel thank you, and what cues do you look for? Just want to make sure I’m not missing anything

@Jenece Thats the exact swing we have. My two year old loved it when he was a baby & now my 6 week old loves it too 💙 @Audrey she’s adorable, hope you find some relief soon. Talk to her pediatrician if all else fails

@Audrey just general fussiness after she's had a bit of awake time and I know she's fed, and has a clean bum..usually around 45 minutes my daughter gets fussy and if she's all of the above then I will take her someone quiet and 9/10 times she falls asleep so was just tired. If I leave her past the time I think she's tired, she gets over stimulated and she won't sleep for hours but also doesn't want to be put down..

My baby was like this for the first 2-3 months it seemed. Constantly nursing and or crying when not sleeping. I tried all the things others have mentioned. I do think it was GERD mostly looking back. I wish we would have put him on a PPI. I changed my diet and think cutting out dairy, spicy, citrus helped. (Now he’s 1 & thrives on cows milk)! I also started him on baby probiotic drops which there is limited, but *some* evidence to support this and hypoallergenic mother’s diet can help colic babies. I gave up on any strict schedule and just let him sleep in the carrier or on his tummy while I watched close by. I would have my husband or mom / MIL do a bottle if I absolutely needed sleep. Are you pumping? I think I wasted too much time doing that. Just use the haaka for the first morning feed. This too shall pass, day by day, it just gets better. Then they turn 1 & you’re chasing them around because they are so independent!

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