MIL obsessed

Why is my MIL so obsessed with having my son on her own? So we actually live with MIL, she sees my son obviously daily as we live with her. My mom and dad see my son once a week. I haven’t left my son with anyone yet (he’s 20 months old) but my anxiety just won’t let me😂but even though MIL sees him every single day, it’s still not good enough and she still keeps moaning that I won’t let her have him on her own? But why are you so obsessed with having him alone?? Plus I personally will probably never let MIL have my son on her own anyway as I’ve seen her smack, shout and swear at her other grandchild (who’s now 11) but I don’t want nothing like that happening to my son!!! But I just don’t get the obsession with having my child on your own?
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She must see her son in your baby. Careful with her now, I'd have all borders up and protect what's mine lol

I think this is really common with MILs! They like to relive their own motherhood through our babies. Stand your ground! Your baby doesn't owe her anything x

Thank you! Because she’s been way too involved since he was born, when he was only weeks old she wanted to talk to us because she expected to be able to just come and take him from our room and having him to herself? And still a year and half later she’s still moaning she don’t have him on her own. My mom and dad haven’t moaned once and they see him once a week. MIL sees him every single day multiple times and it’s not good enough for her and when I try and stand my ground all I get is ‘but I’m his nan’ yes and I’m his mom? I’m sick of it!!

Is moving out an option 😬

I’d move out 😬

I'd move out of there, she's far too close and feels entitled, but tell her, and don't back down my MIL is the same, and my daughter's 3 and I won't let her stay the night alone, I don't mind them looking after her for a few hours

We’ve been trying to move out for well over a year now and just having no luck what so ever😭 I literally pray every day we find our own place asap!! X

Girl you better manifest for that home, cleanse out the bad energy, and keep imagining you in your own home without MIL, it'll come soon 🙏🏻

Oh it’s weird if you’re not comfortable. My MIL says visiting for an hour is enough for her so I don’t have that problem. But my parents will offer to watch the kids overnight to help me. Never to push me. Don’t feel pressure to do something you’re not comfortable with.

Giiiiirl I totally feel this! It’s SUCH a weird obsession with some MIL’s!!! My baby just turned one, and my mil is already commenting about it. The biggest problem- along with wanting to be alone with someone else’s child- is that she’s not very mobile. Had a bad back surgery and foot surgery, so she walks super slow, and can hardly put her shoes on (constantly complains we have a no-shoes-inside rule😅).. so she wouldn’t be able to pick up my daughter, crouch down to play with her, chase after her if she ran in the street… then expects me t think she could watch her alone???? I think it’s SUPER weird to be adamant about watching someone else’s child, alone. My mama bear alarm bells are ringing! The only person I’ve let be alone with my baby is my husband and my mom- and my mom has only watched her for max 2 hours

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