@Sadie I second this, I have one and it makes me feel so at ease, especially during the night xx
I’m not sure. I feel like if you already have anxiety it might make it worse because you could become obsessive over it, checking it constantly. That’s how it would be for me anyway. It probably just depends on the person
I currently have the owlette for my baby and it helps me so much
We have an owlet and i agree with the others it is so so worth it. Not sure i would sleep otherwise! We had two false alarms, both times my partner was holding him and he threw it off. Honestly i would rather a hundred false alarms, than the alternative. I am an anxious person around these kinds of things, but the fact the alarm goes off from the base and on your phone means you don’t even need to check the app if you are worried about obsessing.
I’m a second time Mom and this worries me all the time. I spoke to my OBGYN about the anxiety. She told me to stay off the internet. This is my second so just keep doing what I was doing. Sleep with fan/cool humidifier, lay baby on back free of anything loose. And my pediatrician told me pacis help if that’s your thing
I got the owlet but then started reading about EMF and just unlocked a whole new anxiety 🤦♀️ anyways, it is a thing. But as long as you practice safe sleep whether it’s cosleeping or not, youll be fine.
How old is your baby? It is very natural to be on high alert in the early days and as time passes you will gain confidence and be able to relax (and even sleep). I got very little sleep at night time for many months because I just could not switch off. I haven’t look at any specific statistics, but I don’t think SIDS is common if you’re practicing safe sleep. Breastfeeding and a dummy are also said to lower the risk further. I think it is incredibly unlucky that you know of 3 people losing babies in the past 3 months 😟 that is heartbreaking and not the norm. My heart goes out to them all x
What helped me was having a bedside bassinet as well as using a paci the hospital nurse told me it reduces sids at a high percentage the owlet has too many false alarms for me
1000% recommend the owlet. We haven’t had 1 false alarm and makes me feel so at ease! With my first born I was a nervous wreck and would wake up every hour to check on her with my second I got the owlet and I’ve never slept so good! I go into a deep sleep and only wake when she wakes for a feed. I know a few people who use it and said it’s the best thing ever and we all feel the same xx