So sorry 😣 I don’t drink caffeine but allow myself to have a little during migraines or bad headaches, ice packs, eye massager, darken the room, naps, asking hubs for head/scalp rubs, electrolyte drinks, and warm showers. I also find supplementing with magnesium helps me.
But if your blood pressure is on the higher side then just drink extra water, stay hydrated.
Honestly, as unhealthy as it is the only thing that helped my headaches was a McDonald’s fountain coke and some fries (I know, so weird)
@Lauren omg McDonald’s sounds so healing right now lol
Oh my goodness!! So headaches are a thing?!? I've had a headache all weekend. Only thing that helped was a nap and ice cream!
That was my issue too, I drink water with lemon and salt. My blood pressure is on the lower side.