I feel your pain!! I’ve been up since 4:30. I can’t seem to sleep past 5am at the moment and it’s so frustrating. I have awful cramping too that goes away so I’m presuming they’re Braxton hicks and so achy 🥲 at least there’s plenty of us in it together!
I feel like i’m struggling more with the falling asleep part! I’m definitely not sleeping as long as usual, around 5 hours max, but i’m more just struggling to get to sleep. I’m still awake now and wide awake so probably won’t fall asleep for a little while, and then I usually manage about 4/5 hours before I wake up 😩 My midwife just advised me to sleep when I can, and to not worry about the fact that I am not sleeping during the night as long as I am managing to sleep in the morning. I also am managing to squeeze maybe an hour / two in the day somewhere for a nap so that’s helping me a lot! I’m very lucky that I do not have plans a lot of the time, so this messed up schedule isn’t effecting me too much. but days I have appointments etc are horrible as I literally don’t sleep a bit! ❤️
@Hayley it’s so frustrating isn’t it! I just want this baby out! I’m officially in the week countdown to my c section I’m holding on by a thread! I hope you manage to get some good sleep! Xx
@Sarah it’s really frustrating I just want a good sleep! People say “sleep before the babies here” but at least if I wake up this much with the baby I’ll have something to do and a cute face to look at! Ahh have you been having it too? I struggle with terrible PGP so I’m wondering if mine is that, sometimes it feels like period pains, other times feels like trapped wind I’ve no idea at this point😂xxx
@Ellie-May it’s definitely so difficult to drift off too sleep for sure. I always get restless legs and get overstimulated where I can feel my hair too much or my pjs too much😂oh bless you have you not been asleep attal? Absolutely, as long as your managing some sleep at some point I don’t think it matters, we wil be up all around the clock when babies here anyway it’s just like practise xx
@Ames Yes, the restless legs! If it’s not baby kicking me, it’s me kicking out randomly 😂 No, i’ve not been asleep at all yet, and I didn’t manage a nap today (or yesterday?) so i’m not really sure why i’m not passing out exhausted but i’m wide awake! 🤦🏼♀️ Definitely, my midwife said it’s likely your body preparing for the lack of sleep that you are going to get? which I thought was really interesting but we both said we don’t know why our bodies wouldn’t prepare us by helping us get lots of rest beforehand! Sometimes I am absolutely fascinated by the things our bodies are able to do during and after pregnancy, and then other times I really question why we haven’t evolved to do some of the things better yet 😂❤️
@Ellie-May hahaha I completely get that!😂have you tried the mama mio leg cooling gel? It works a treat. Oh no how are you still awake! I hope you manage to get some sleep soon😫it’s so interesting but I agree I wish that our bodies would prepare us by letting us sleep. I bet when babies here we will be begging for sleep😂😂xx
Same here couldn’t sleep at all today. Got really bad sciatica pain in right leg plus come cramps started too which are coming and going. I really want its early labour !
@Ames Oh no, I haven’t! I’ll definitely look into that! 😁 To be fair, i’ve heard that newborn tired isn’t as bad as pregnancy tired?? so fingers crossed! I think it is mainly just like you cope with it better because you know and can like comprehend better that there’s a reason? Right now i’m not getting to look at my little baby and think it’s okay that i’m tired it’s all for you, my brain just separates the two and i’m like why tffff am i struggling so much😂😂 even though I know it is for good reason, until I see her little face it’s hard to keep telling myself that 😂❤️
Me too nd I have 5 days until I go into labor. I’m just over it
Same! I’m up every 2/3 hours to pee. Every time, the hip I’ve been lying on is killing me 🤦🏻♀️ I’m lucky to be able to have a nap through the day cause that’s the only thing getting me through just now xx
While there are other reasons such as being uncomfortable, it’s quite common for this to occur due to hormones and is a way for the body to prepare for baby! They need to feed every 2-3 hours and stretches of 4+ will soon be considered dreamy. It’s bloody annoying and while you can’t bank sleep, it would be nice to feel better rested before labour/newborn arrives. Having been through it before, the sleep deprivation of a baby & postpartum recovery is no joke even with the cuteness/cuddles. My only advice is to try and rest as much as possible so try to get back to sleep rather than reaching for a phone as this will wake you up more and take naps etc. It’s good practice to try and sleep here and there and nap because as much as ‘sleep when baby sleeps’ is rubbish, you do need to try and get an hour here and there which can be hard for our body clocks to do.
@Ames yeah it’s awful, for a minute I’m like yes! I’m going in to labour and then the pains stop. I always get it after I go to the loo too, but apparently it’s quite common if you have a full bladder it can set off braxton hicks. And I think I have pgp too, rolling over in bed feels like it takes a good 5 minutes and I sound like a cow with the sounds I make Becuase it’s so bloody painful. I get induced on Wednesday and not long to hour c section now!! Then we’ll have those cute faces to look at
Hey. I'm always awake. Usually every 2 hours. I go to the loo and then awake coughing for a good 15 minutes and then I'm lay thinking about labour and panicking myself. I was suffering with nausea just a week or so ago. It's awful 😞. I hope you manage to get back to sleep and the nausea and cramps ease x