@Paxton im exactly the same as this lol
And always awake in the middle of the night too? Haha. The insomnia is killing me (mostly of boredom lol)
@Paxton im a night owl from the start but i cant be as sleepy anymore. Like my eyes just dont wanna sleep anymore. I also wake up in the middle of sleep a lot to go pee.. it’s getting harder and harder to have a good night sleep as the tummy gets bigger.
@Roe I am too! And I swear my eyes are just wide open after like 2 am most nights. And I have to pee more at night than any other time of day—every 40 minutes, like clockwork!
I didn’t realize this was happening to me until I got the notification this morning. Thought it was because I was just sick and getting better, but nope. You’re definitely not alone. I get up every night to pee and drink more water. This is my third pregnancy and I never experienced this before.
Omg yes! Nasal spray and humidifier aren't helping at all. So congested. I'm drinking well over a gallon of fluids (4L) including electrolytes and juice and tea and water. Whyyyy haha with my pregnancy with my daughter this stopped around 12 weeks but it's going strong still with this one
SAME. Especially in the middle of the night. I feel like I want to brush my teeth, drink endless water, blow my nose, and clear my throat constantly (and pee all the time too obviously 😆)