Major mum guilt.

By complete accident my little one nearly got burnt today. Luckily there was no mark and he’s not hurt or was bothered at all. We ended up attending emergency care and now being reported to social care. I know my little one is uninjured and is fine but I am beating myself up so much about it I’ve been crying for 3 hours and just can’t stop. I feel like such a bad mum for something that could have been so much worse. I’m so embarrassed and feel like I’ve made myself look like a bad mum to my family that knows about the accident and his day care which I work in also know about it. I’m so ashamed 😭
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A long time ago, when my child was 3 years old, I was straightening my hair. I laid the straightener down for just a minute, and my son touched it. I quickly took him to the ER, and they reassured me that he would be fine. Why are the y reporting you? That's crazy

@Esmii they are reporting me as it’s a safeguarding concern that he was nearly burnt and that we’ve been to emergency care three times in one year. The two other times was for sickness and diarrhoea which ended up causing low blood sugar and possibly being diagnosed with a medical condition. But because we attended emergency care we are being reported.

That Is wild to me. Not sure how old your child is, but kids have accidents all the time. Kids are the most curious and nosey human beings they get into everything…. No matter how attentive one is. I live in the states they don’t do that here, and report parents like that. Especially when they know it’s a accident

That makes absolutely no sense. Why are you being reported for caring for your child? We have been to the emergency 4 times this year. And it's only February. I have a daredevil of a 2yo and he's also been sick a lot. (Pneumonia 2x, one per lung).

@Ellie they are concerned as what happened and that I’ve visited on 3 different occasions. The first two was only a few days apart and wasn’t injury related at all. He’s now being diagnosed with a medical condition that this sickness started from and why we went there in the first place. He’s 1 years old. Maybe it’s because of his age. He had no marks after the burn but i took him as precaution thinking I was doing the right thing and now it’s automated a report so I could get a call from social anytime. My anxiety is now through the roof as I’m worried I’m going to be labelled a bad parent.

You won’t be labelled a bad parent, they understand these things. The stakes are just super high if they miss anything untoward. If you engage with them and just listen they’ll close the case quickly. My nephew fell out of a first floor window (miraculously unharmed). They just visited the home, checked the windows had got restrictors fitted and the house was generally not hazardous and closed the case.

Sending you love girl. It's hard not to beat yourself up when these things happen 🥹💕

They aren’t judging you at all, maybe they just want to do a welfare check. It’s nothing to do with your parenting at all! DONT make yourself feel like you are being judged. You did the right thing getting them checked out just incase there was anything wrong. You’ve got this mumma, you did nothing wrong 💜 They probably just want to make sure you and Bub are safe 💜

He’s not even marked and you still showed concern that doesn’t make you a bad parent in any way.

@Sarah because he was in contact and it went onto his skin the mark was visible at first and we’re lucky it went down and didn’t blister but at the time I could see a mark

@Sarah thank you

@Katy thank you x

@Sudanny✨ it’s so hard not to and you can’t help it but your right I only make myself feel worse by beating myself up

My baby boy fell trying to pull himself up on a stand and play table. I didn’t think much of it because he was on a foam play mat and he has been doing this all the time, but this one time he fell and smacked his face on the toy and looked up at me and his nose was dripping blood. I picked him up STRESSED OUT and wiped the blood off his nose without realizing he scraped the tip of his nose. It looked really bad the first two days but it didn’t bleed for long and was superficial and scared him more than anything. I considered taking him to the doctor but they would have told me to keep doing what I was doing which was cleaning with warm soapy water, rinsing, and applying aquaphor. Accidents happen, and I completely understand how stressful it is and that you want the best for your baby but use your judgement and if it makes you feel better to seek medical advice then do it. But you don’t always have to go to the emergency room. :) if it’s not something serious give it some time

@Sarah hey shit happens

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This most likely won’t be the last time he will have an accident. They’re exploring all the time. My girl is nearly 3 now. She cracked her head open at 1 year old. Running in boots tripped and smacked her head on the edge of a radiator. Hospital trip to be glued. She’s fallen and bounced off the sofa more times than I can count. And only the other day she jumped on the sofa went too far back and got a lovely bump on the back of her head. And every single time I had mum guilt. I don’t think it will ever go away but it reassures me that there is no love like it. Caring so much for someone that it hurts you when they’re hurt. Mum guilt comes with raising a child. But it just shows and reminds you of the incredible parent you are. X

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