It isn't just a hygiene thing, uncircumcised men also have slightly higher chances of getting UTIs and STDs even if they do clean it well, I think it was 10% for UTIs and I'm not sure what the percentage was for STDs. Both of my grandpa's had to have it done later in life (20s and 80s) because of frequent UTIs. The one that had to have it done in his 20s told everyone in our family that had boys after that to get it done, with him advocating for circumcision at birth and knowing both sides, it was an easy decision for us honestly.
I was not a fan of circumcising but my husband is circumcised and was adamant about having it done. I figured it should be his choice since I don’t have a penis and can’t fully relate. If your man says no, I’d be inclined to agree.
Unless it’s a medical necessity (very rare but sometimes it is) I don’t see any reason to do it. But the choice is ultimately up to you and your husband. If worrying about their emotional well being later on is the main reason for doing it, I don’t think leaving him uncircumcised is going to cause any major emotional turmoil
You can get cut as a teen or an adult….if the individual wants this. I circumcised my children, so obviously I’m on the other side of the fence than you husband. But again, there’s not an age restriction for this procedure. Tho the recovery might be “more” painful as they will remember it compared to a new baby. Take your time and think about it. And ask your medical provider for facts regarding this procedure. Ask about associated risk that occurs and think about “is this risk something we feel comfortable taking on”
Just going to say, it's not common in Australia to be circumcised. Natural, uncut is the way we generally go. My partners over the last 15 years have never had UTIs and everyone should be practising proper hygiene and safe sex, so unless you're not the obviously you're exposing yourself to STIs. Teach your kids how to clean themselves properly and there shouldn't be any issues x
my husband isn't circumsized and there's nothing wrong with it... i'm always confused about these types of posts. it you take daily showers, and do proper hygiene you won't get infections and what not. also the head is more sensitive when it's not circumsized so it's more pleasurable during intercourse. i would prefer to leave it as is and it's less pain for your buy to go through
I let my man choose he's the one with the penis. He chose not to circumcise him. There's no issues so far. His dad keeps his very clean
So I'm sure he will teach our son accordingly
It's very strange to get circumcised in the uk without medical or religious reasons. and were doing just fine don't stress yourself x
We did not circumcise my son. Assuming you are in the US, it it’s becoming more common for boys to not be circumcised. If future emotional effects is really you’re only con, I’d say no. It can always be done later in life, it cannot be reversed. And those that’ll say “it’s so painful later” … I’ve had surgery on my labia -not birth related, and it was not that painful. As an adult that was aware of what was going on it was easy to deal with and recover.
It's his body first and boys are born perfect too. My son is intact and it wasn't even a question to do it but I still researched to affirm the facts. Raising Your Whole Baby Facebook group. I firmly believe it is an unethical and barbaric practice to be done out of culture and ""cleanliness"". Females would have just as slight better rbenefits if we chopped off some labia on our newborn girls I'm sure. BTW those advantages are only the diaper years. It's practically the same all their life. Oh and less penis = less chance cancer of course like if you just a mastectomy you'd never have breast cancer lol... Circumcision remove 60-90% of the nerve sensitivity a male would have with his intact penis. It's not extra It's functional. Aaaand is intact do not retract -at all. Wipe clean like a finger.
I wanted to do it for health reasons but my fiancé got so upset and was yelling at me because he didn’t want our son to be circumcised in his view he’s the male so he should make that decision but really if I could have gone back to do it I would
My husband and I discussed it together, but ultimately I left the decision up to my husband because he has a penis and I don't. I don't know what it's like to have one 🤷🏼♀️ I would want to have the primary say regarding anything with future daughters because I have a vagina/uterus and he doesn't.
What emotional effects are you worried about?
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I let my husband decide what we did with our son because he’s the one with the penis. I have no idea what it’s like walking around with one daily so I didn’t feel equipped to make that decision. I shared my thoughts/concerns and let him share his experiences to come to our final decision.
Due next month March 6th. I will be circumcising my son for religious reasons. My child’s father isn’t circumcised (his mom didn’t wanna take care of it after and also put cigarettes and men before her own kids half the time) but he knows how important it is to me for him to be circumcised. But again that’s just me. I don’t see a reason to get mad about it tbh you carried the baby and made sure he had a healthy environment to develop for 9-10 months so why shouldn’t you get to decide 🤷🏾♀️
@Alysa, both parents decide.
If I have a son he will be circumcised for cultural reasons x
If you guys make the decision, The best time for circumcision is infancy because healing is faster, pain is minimal, risks are lower, and the procedure is simpler with long-term health benefits.
@Hannah more so about when they’re older and sexually active since I am in the US and there’s a lot of stigma around “uncut” men. I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable or like we did him a disservice by not having it done. This probably sounds silly but there’s an episode in sex and the city where one of the main characters dates a man who wasn’t circumcised and they were all very disgusted by that and he ended up having the surgery done as an adult. I think about that a lot because I just worry that people would be mean about it.
I’m not from the US and I’ve seen that episode of SATC. Let’s all remember it aired in 1999, so while it may be representing how things were at the time, that was 26 years ago… I know there’s a cultural divide but as an adult woman in the UK I’ve never seen a circumcised penis in real life, so to me there’s nothing disgusting about it, it’s how penises were intended to be 🤷♀️
The stigma only changes by people going agaisnt the cultural grain. And now most boys are left alone!
@Charlotte I'm in the US and I've never seen an uncircumcised penis in real life.
@Hannah clearly by the way ppl are commenting they either decide together, let the man decide, or make the decision themselves. Not everybody is this same
@Cheyann and therein lies the cultural divide 🤷♀️ I don’t think a circumcised penis is disgusting but I would find it different as it’s not what I’m used to.
Where i am from in the UK circumcision is not a standard practice. You basically only have it doen for relgious reasons or medical. I personally don't see any reason other then for medical reasons as an acceptable reason to do it. Your cutting a part of your babies body off that is perfectly fine and healthy for no reason. I know in the US culture around circumcision is starting to change and more and more people are not doing it. Teach them good hygiene, teach them correct sex ed and they'll be fine.
My husband wants to have our son circumcised. I was unsure about it but it does seem to have benefits and there is always a chance that they'll need to have it done later in life anyway.
Incognito, if his sexual life is a concern for you, then don't circumcise as the foreskin is full of nerves that dramatically increase sensitivity. It also aids in lubrication to reduce friction. Or so google tells me. The fact that your biggest concern seems to be what other people think of your sons penis is weird to me. You are willing to cut off part of your son because of what other people "might" think of him?
@Hannah I’m considering the fact that bullying is a real thing. I didn’t ask for your judgment. I’m trying to do right by my kid and ensure that he has a happy and healthy life and isn’t going to be mad because we did or didn’t circumcise him.
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@Alysa, I'm saying it needs to be both parents. I would expect my partner to educate himself and have input if we had a daughter. I'm not going to not educate myself or have input just because we have a son and I don't share the same genitals. I'm still his mother and will do whatever I need to do to advocate for him. Both parents should have input.
Incognito, except you literally said, "So share your thoughts." I shared my thoughts.
@Hannah opinions and judgment are different babe but you seem to be rolling for a fight no one wants to have with you
No, my opinion/ thoughts is that it's weird if that's your biggest concern. End of. An opinion/thought can be a judgement, but it doesn't make it any less of an opinion/thought. I'm not looking to fight. You came at me for giving thoughts you asked for. Do not condescend me with your "babe" bs.
@Charlotte same here never seen a circumcised one, I didn’t realise until that episode of SATC that it was common in the US, I thought it was only ever done for religious/ cultural practice.
@Hannah I asked for opinions on circumcision not if my concerns about it. Just because they’re not the same as yours may be doesn’t make them any less valid. So yea it’s judgment when you’re sharing thoughts on the part that wasn’t asked for. But thanks for sharing
Girl.. it seems like you’re pretty set in your decision, why are you arguing? And why did you even post this if you’re so defensive
@Rachel I wanted opinions on circumcision not why I’m not worried about whether to do it or not. We haven’t decided on what to do which is why I wanted to know what other moms have actually done. Not whether or not they think my reasoning is weird. Seems like yall like to miss the point
Incognito. Here is another resource.
@Alina thank you!
Welcome! I saw that on netflix before I was ever pregnant and loved it.
It’s his body, like why make a choice that’s permanent for him? His body his choice. I think saying he’s gonna feel different when his dangly is different is weird. They don’t go around comparing.
You asked for thoughts on the pros and cons, and your pro was that he might be bullied in the future. I gave you an opinion you asked for. Don't come at me just because you don't like my opinion. To help a bit more and I've said this on every circumcision post that crops up because I've seen these reasons SO many times; 1. He does not have to look like dad. 2. He does not need to look the same as the boys in the locker room. 3. Thinking about the aesthetics of your sons penis is disturbing. Especially since you are going off YOUR preference. Just eeew, no. 4. If you teach your son how to properly clean himself, then hygiene shouldn't be an issue. It's his body and should be his choice. In most other countries, it isn't the norm and actually has to be requested.
@Hannah I don’t have a preference for what a penis looks like given I’ve dated men that were circumcised and weren’t. I’ve had men who were not circumcised be so incredibly embarrassed to be intimate because of the way they were treated for it. I think your weird obsession with pushing your ideas onto someone just because you don’t agree with being worried about a child getting bullied is insane. Just move on with your life.
I'm due next month and we decided not to circumcise our son. My bf is circumcised but he said if he could've chosen, he would've left it like it was 🤷🏾♀️. Ppl say men can't properly clean themselves, but that's not true as long as you show them how to clean themselves properly, everything should be fine. My personal opinion is if it didn't belong there, it wouldn't be there, so I'm not putting my son through that experience idc about him being so small he won't remember it. Blah, blah.