I hear that. My work was supposed to be mostly remote and now the are requiring two days in the office a week. I'm going back part time and told them I'm not planning on working in the office right now (it's on the other side of town and early care/after care for toddler& infant would be 700$ more a month and it's like a 30-40 minute commute on a good day)
Awwww mama, it makes soooo much sense to be emotional about this. A million times makes sense. Sending love ❤️
If you are pumping that much though hun you need to wean it down and not just stop abruptly you might get mastitis. Take one pump away for a couple days then and go down. I know you’re tired. But I also don’t want you to get engorged or get mastitis, since you’re pumping like 6-7 times a day 😕 usually if we are pumping or BF 1-2 * a day we can then stop w no issues
@Kellie soo I was pumping 6-7x a day but made I made the decision I started taking sudafed, drinking peppermint and sage tea and doing the cabbage leaves thing about 10 days ago. I’ve cut pumps extremely fast and gotten down to about 1 pump per day as of yesterday (day before was 2 pumps) so I was going to stop completely today. But I’m honestly second guessing it lol!!! I think I still want to quit buuut I already feel like I lied and MIGHT have to pump at least once more 😂😂😂 I’m so engorged and i literally haaate the feeling and freaking out. Husband says just quit and don’t do it. I’m not sure I can go to zero quite YET like I thought. I tried to latch baby today for 2-3 mins because I couldn’t take it anymore so idk if i made it worse now and now my body is gunna produce still. :( i thought 1 pump to zero would be easy but i might need to go at least another day or so. Idk why my body is taking so long lol
I’m weaning too! It’s definitely the weaning tugging on our mama hearts. We’ll get through it. It’s totally normal 🫶🏻❤️❤️ You have done a fabulous job feeding your baby and still will no matter what they’re eating
Hi! When I stopped pumping I got to the point you are and then I just pumped every couple of days to relieve the engorgement but not to empty. At first it was every other day then every third then just when I felt uncomfortable
@Miriam okay this is good to know! I was kinda confused what I was suppose to do to go to actual zero. It was NOT like this with my first since i dried up right away. Much harder this time lol!! The nurse on the OB line told me just to not to pump anymore and it will be gone in 3 days. This was when I was down to 3 pumps and im like UHHH ARE YOU SURE?! lol cause that seems dumb. It’s gunna hurt 😂😂 so i didn’t listen to her obviously haha!!! I also fed baby again this morning for like maybe 5 mins total so now i feel like im going in the total wrong direction. Haha! But i know ill get there!! I guess i rather do it slow than cold turkey and be uncomfortable!
I did it over the course of 2 months really but I was going from like 6 pumps. And the last 2-3 weeks were just every once in awhile. We had a trip around when my little one turned one and I made the decision that it was too difficult andi needed to be done
It's definetly valid to feel sad about it. I wanted to breast feed for a year but my health prevented me. i lost 25 lbs and got severe malnutrition and anemia