Highly recommend the Oh Crap method. We started around 18 months and it's been great
If your child is meeting developmental milestones you can start between 18months and 2.5. Most kids pediatrician says are trained between 2 and 3
I say this bc if your child has a language, physical or intellectual delay I would wait a while to actually train. It’s always good to practice but it could be a while before they’re ready
We potty trained at 18 months! Our pediatrician gave us the go ahead as my son had great language, and signs we were seeing were he stayed dry overnight and at nap, was only pooping at home and consistent schedule (he knew before he was), and staying dry for about 2 hours during the day. He was also interested in the potty and wanting to try it (we bought a baby bjorn toddler potty)
@Julia he has a small language delay :/
If he can’t speak but can sign or point you could try. Does he understand what you say? Like can he follow short simple directions? If not potty training will be frustrating for both of you
My boy has a speech delay and is almost two in March, we started potty training because he was finding private areas in the house to poop (in his diaper), will squat while going potty, he is super interested in his little toilet. He may not speak words, but we know how he communicates by pointing and humming. He has already used the toilet twice in less than a week of trying and loves getting a sticker afterwards. He feels like such a big kid and is so confident afterwards, it's adorable. Even with a delay, I'd say if he's showing signs of wanting privacy, pointing at the toilet, pointing at his diaper if it's full OR not (he could be telling you he needs to go or IS going)..go for it
This is your sign😂😂this post! Lolllll the struggle is real but just stay on them and it’ll come natural the moment you change up the moment they revert lol you got this🤞🏾🤞🏾
@Alexa - how did you do the naps? My son ( 22 months is potty trained when awake) but can’t stay dry during his nap. He would wake up wet 😵💫. Haven’t tackled nights. I also used oh crap! ( audio book)
The book Oh Crap! Potty Training talks about this. I believe she addresses this and says there aren’t signs. She explains why. It was really interesting. My friends have used that book to potty train and said it was amazing. I’ve yet to start though.