I used Aldi mamia for both my kids. It’s made in the same factory as Aptamil but much less expensive. Both my girls I gave Infacol before feeds when they were little and it seemed to make them more comfortable.
I found that cow and gate didn’t agree with my little boy, especially on a night it was like he was writhing around in pain! He’s had aptimal since and has been ok!xx
Have you tried cow and gate comfort milk? It’s specifically for babies with colic and constipation, it’s definitely worth trying. My LO had extremely bad colic and this was the only milk he could drink, alongside infacol drops x
Ive used sma and never had a issue. Being put down in moses mine toom a while to adapt they just want to be close to you the first few weeks and wind sometimes can take a good hour to come up! Which can be a pain sometimes