If baby is still happy and content and feeding regularly as well as gaining weight I wouldn’t stress too much just yet! Remember stress and anxiety can impact us in many ways including physical and can take a toll on your production :) I pump exclusively but I find that if I’m particularly stressed out or anxious about something I do have one or two smaller pumps tbh! Also around the week before and after my period I produce probably 10oz left a day (I am slight over producer)
Soft boobs are happy boobs :)
Completely normal!
How long have you been BF? It’s normal for breasts to be hard at first and then when you regulate and get used to it they soften! Also do you have your cycle back? Or any symptoms of? It’s also quite normal to experience a dip around then. You may also find that your little one might be draining you a bit better now and that could be the reason for pumping less after?