Mind has started doing this. I have to sush him and bounce a bit so he calms down
In my delulu, I tell myself that my breast milk is just so good it is making him go Gaga. It actually has prevented me from getting upset at him and I just laugh instead 😂
Mine is the same🤣🤣 if he’s not hungry he will pull and come on off on off so I now just stop and try again a bit later on
@Vickie that's hilarious 😂 I'll give it a try.
Same here, I've been starting to worry my milk isn't satisfying him anymore but he's still sleeping well at night so I dunno what go make of it
My LO did this and I was so worried. At the local infant feeding group we have a lactation consultant and she said it is common and it's likely down to the fact that they're getting distracted by the world around them and also could be down to their growing proportions making the latch feel different to them now and having to learn how to latch again now that they've got a bigger mouth for e g. She told me it's quite normal and to be patient and if baby is too frustrated to give it a break and try again later.
Sounds like the start of the 4 month fussies. I know your baby is a bit younger than that but it's pretty common at this age for them to fuss and get annoyed at the breast. I figured out I was trying to feed him every time he was upset or annoyed as that's been my go to since he was born! But now he bites and twists the nipple and pulls his head away as he is telling me he doesn't want it. They're just much more aware of the world and are forming opinions about what they do and don't want