If you're exclusively pumping, your supply will match to your baby's need. So you don't have to pump if the baby is not waking up. Sometimes people run into a bit of bother if they're combi feeding and not pumping overnight because your body doesn't know how much to make as not every bottle is breastmilk. But with exclusively pumping this doesn't happen
Personally when I dropped the night feed my supply halved almost immediately but that might not be so dramatically for you as I’ve had lots of supply issues and I think my supply is very sensitive so might be one of those try and see situation. I managed to build mine back up within a week or 2 of extra pumping
Hi Kristen, i am exclusively pumping and have been since birth. I dropped my night pump and went down to 3 pumps a day (6am, 12/1pm and 8pm) about 4 weeks ago and my supply matches his little appetite. Sometimes I have like 150mls left over from the day which I freeze.
Im exclusively pumping and I also still wake up at 3-4 to pump, but I’ve had mastitis for a couple of weeks now so my supply has been affected by that (it’s painful to pump so pumping on a low setting) so my supply has already dropped and im barely keeping up with baby now. That’s why I’m not dropping my night pump yet
Thanks everyone for your responses! I’m worried too about my supply, just this past week I’ve noticed a drop and I’m also just producing enough for baby. She’s drinking about 28-30oz a day 🙈 I might just keep going with the night pump until I feel it’s more regulated, as it still fluctuates loads.
Hey, my little girl sleeps through the night most nights so I get up at around 3/4 to pump and add it to my freezer stash for emergencies or times when I leave the baby for a few hours. Gives me so much relief knowing I have milk there just incase