Two of my friends who breastfed didn't get their periods back until after 6 months and they have gone on to have more babies.
Mine didn't come back until around 7 months postpartum and didn't regulate until about a year postpartum(I breastfed for 10 months), and now I'm pregnant with twins. My friend is currently weaning her almost 2 year old and her period still hasn't regulated itself yet. It's very normal not to get your period back or it not to regulate until after stopping breastfeeding.
Sorry ladies I meant to put formula feeding. I only breast fed for the first 24 hours
It's still normal, you're only 9 weeks postpartum so I would definitely give it at least a few more weeks before worrying personally. If you're worried, I would call your OB and ask them. My sister in law got pregnant at like 3 months postpartum and never got her period back between pregnancies and she formula fed 😂
I breast fed for the first 5 days and then formula fed. My period did not come back until my son was 13 weeks old. :)
I only breastfed my first for 6 weeks and still didn’t get a period for 4/5 months ppt or so- just recently had my second so I’m sure nothing to worry about :)
This is fine, mine started when my baby was 13 weeks old. If you breastfeed it may not come back until you slow down with feeding and start weaning your baby