This is cluster feeding it’s only temporary, you got this mumma don’t give up! how long is baby latching on for? I went through all this, my baby is now 3 weeks old, and I’m still having some issues with breastfeeding as baby has tongue tie waiting for appointment to get it snipped, the best thing I ever did was introduce formula feeding too I know this isn’t everyone’s preference, but it honestly helps for nights, or have you tried pumping and giving it via bottle?
I promise you, you are in the trenches now and whilst it might not give you comfort immediately- this can be totally normal and it “too shall pass” I literally had to apply that to survive all three of my babies at points! Breastfeeding is so so hard in the newborn era as they are establishing supply, looking for comfort, suckling to aid sleep, thirsty and therefore on us constantly but it slows down a little week by week until these days are a blurry memory. Practical advice: could anyone support you by doing a 9pm formula/expressed milk feed to give you a break? A ‘hakka’ pump is immense as suctions on, is cheap and will collect your ‘let down’ while you feed on the other boob. Have you got lots of yummy snacks, a series you can get into too and lots of drinks? All this said. happy mum, happy baby. There is no shame at all in changing the way you feed to formula or combi, Sending love x
It does get better and it does get easier. They probably are cluster feeding but if say it is worth seeing a lactation consultant or a breast feeding support person to just make sure their latch is good poor latch can mean they don't get as much and thus want to feed more regularly. Or it could be cluster feeding which is hard.
The start is usually the hardest with feeding and it gets gradually easier. You’re doing amazing. 💗 xx
The beginning of breastfeeding is so hard. Baby is just getting that supply up, super super normal. You got this 💕💕💕🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My milk wasn't coming out fast enough and dont think I was producing enought at first for my greedy little monkey so I ended up pumping (at least theyre still getting those rich nutrients from momma!) Use this as a last resort
Reach out for support - the HVs can put you in touch with lactation specialists that can come round and help with latching/positions. There’s the NCT feeding support line, there’s la leche league. Look for local breastfeeding cafes. There’s a lot of great support out there if you want to continue. But please also put your mental health first - it’s incredibly difficult and a fed baby is a happy baby. The words no one said to me were that it is okay to stop, which I really needed to hear. Good luck and I hope your journey goes well, whatever that looks like for you.
I promise you it does get better! I was exactly the same, can’t count how many wobbles and tears I had! My baby boy is 8 weeks old now and thriving and I’m so glad we didn’t give up. You’ve got this ❤️
This sounds exhausting, no wonder you feel like giving up! I saw a breast feeding support drop in advertised for my area and plan to use this once I give birth if I’m having difficulties, there may be something similar nearby to you 🤞🏻
Thanks everyone! The midwife came to see me to help with latching etc. turns out the latch is great, however I have a lazy baby who isn’t suckling how she should, so midwife has helped me with that and said I can express two bottles if needed. Have decided to give it a go for another couple of nights and if I really can’t cope I will make the switch to formula ❤️
How long is she feeding for? And do you feed her from both sides in one feed? xx