So she's the one that has not understood it correctly, am I right? Cause she really insists and I'm doubting myself.
For any funded hours, 15 or when it goes up to 30, you’re only eligible the term after your baby is 9 months old.
@Laura is correct, it all depends on when you go back to work. I was due to return on May 14th but had to change it to April 30th if I wanted the funding to start from April.
@Sara from what Op is saying the baby will be 1 in September, meaning they’ll be 9 months in June. So won’t be eligible for any funding until September. So regardless of it mum goes back to work in April she still won’t be eligible.
Both July baby and September baby won't be eligible for funding until September - the term after turning 9mo, if you are both returing to work by 30th September. When referring to terms for childcare funding it is 'long terms' not short half terms so September-December/January-March/April-July. I'm wondering if she's thinking short terms and therefore eligible for Summer 2 (after June half term).
Thank you all. I see that most of you say the same thing I do, that we are both entitled to it from September onwards. I have tried explaining that to her but she won't listen, because a friend of a friend says they did it... So I guess it will be a very unpleasant wake up call... Someone mentioned about going back to work earlier, as far as I know she's planning on returning to work late June
Sounds like your friend will have to find out for herself when she goes to apply! That or maybe she knows something we all don’t
@Laura That's what I'm thinking. Either she knows something we're all missing or she'll find out the hard way it's not as it suits her. I would love to help her, but unfortunately she never listens...
It’s the term after they are 9months (from September 2025).