Nipple shields might be a good solution for you
I breastfed my first for a few months no issues my second came along and I really struggled so I get how you feel. Nipple shields may be really helpful in reducing pain Try hand expressing so nipples milky mouth a tiny bit to encourage babe to search for it Try different positions for feeding Get babe checked for a tongue and lip tie Find your local breastfeeding support
My nipples are pretty much flat, has your little one been checked for tongue tie? Mine had a prostier tongue tie and once we had it done he lacthed on alot better but i had loads of issues with my breasts mastitis/thrush alsorts so I went to pumping exclusively for 11 months instead nipple shileds are helpful
I had the same problem, I haven't got very big nipples so the latch was never deep enough which the nurse said was why it was so painful. I switched to a breast pump off amazon to express and put into bottles 🍼 which then enjoyed feeding so much more. She was born 5 days ago and my supply shot up to over 150ml a pump in 4 days.. The nurse also told me to try out nipple shields by Mandela, essentially it's like putting a bottle teets over your nipple so easier for them to suck and it really has worked .. so I do half and half now but fully breast milk.. It's still sore pumping and using the shield but manageable and hopefully will get better 🙏