Breastfeeding newborn

I’m feeling like a failure, I started to breastfeed my newborn. Despite feeling pain I was kept trying, got some help from nurse as well. But baby is very stubborn and doesn’t want to suck properly. One breast is literally rejected, another one sometimes he’s ok with sucking it, sometimes it’s a big NO, NO. I realised he’s struggling because my nipples aren’t big and pointy enough and he can’t detect them. I help him every time and even when he Finally got it, he stops (sometimes after a minute sometimes after an hour) I’m so fed up.. I started to swap it with formula because he was getting dehydrated and he loved it.. he has a big appetite and likes the bottle nipple as is big and pointy.. :(( Today it took me 2h to convince him to suck the breasts.. and he drank very little, so I had to top it with formula. Please help what to do, I feel like I’m loosing battle here..
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I had the same problem, I haven't got very big nipples so the latch was never deep enough which the nurse said was why it was so painful. I switched to a breast pump off amazon to express and put into bottles 🍼 which then enjoyed feeding so much more. She was born 5 days ago and my supply shot up to over 150ml a pump in 4 days.. The nurse also told me to try out nipple shields by Mandela, essentially it's like putting a bottle teets over your nipple so easier for them to suck and it really has worked .. so I do half and half now but fully breast milk.. It's still sore pumping and using the shield but manageable and hopefully will get better 🙏

Nipple shields might be a good solution for you

I breastfed my first for a few months no issues my second came along and I really struggled so I get how you feel. Nipple shields may be really helpful in reducing pain Try hand expressing so nipples milky mouth a tiny bit to encourage babe to search for it Try different positions for feeding Get babe checked for a tongue and lip tie Find your local breastfeeding support

My nipples are pretty much flat, has your little one been checked for tongue tie? Mine had a prostier tongue tie and once we had it done he lacthed on alot better but i had loads of issues with my breasts mastitis/thrush alsorts so I went to pumping exclusively for 11 months instead nipple shileds are helpful

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