I only ever did it with two new borns and it kind of sucks but I'd one kid is older I can imagine it's easier since you won't have to hold two little jelly necks. Way easier. I had a twin feeding pillow.
I'm only one week in but it's so far a lot easier than I thought it would be. However my first is three years old so he does have very good understanding and is also only feeding twice in 24hrs- bedtime and wake up. We had got down to the two feeds during the pregnancy and I expected when my milk came in and he saw baby feeding he would ask for more milk again but he actually hasn't, though he's definitely happy about my full supply being back 😅 breastfeeding through pregnancy was really challenging so feeding my toddler feels a lot easier now the aversions and the pregnancy nipple sensitivity has gone. It's a bit challenging when they both want milk at the same time, I had a C-section and so I'm limited with breastfeeding positions whilst healing and also obviously the newborn needs more support with latching on so if I'm feeding toddler then the baby starts asking this has been tricky but manageable, I'm sure it will get easier as I heal and baby's neck gets stronger.
I did it with my kids. I had to force wean my 1st son though, because I started losing too much weight. I couldn't physically eat enough to keep up with the calorie needs of both my sons
years ago i was a mother’s helper for a mama of twins. she tandem fed them w a special pillow and she had a whole set up. she said it was challenging but she figured out a way to make it work comfortably. she said one would often fall asleep before the other