Breastfeeding is hard! My baby was able to latch fine but I only breastfed for 3 weeks & pumped for a further week after that. I was so sad to stop but it was the best thing to do for all of us. It’s ok to stop if you want to. You’ve managed 5 months and that is AMAZING! Pumping is so hard & so hard to find the time for, you can stop for even the basic reason that you don’t want to do it anymore. You don’t have to justify it for anyone or for yourself. I know it’s hard & it feels sad to stop but it’s totally ok! 💕
Lots of hugs to you. I understand the grief. I have no experience of a non latching baby myself but have heard of a few cases of babies latching at older ages. 4 months plus. It may be worth asking in one of the bf Facebook groups for people in your situation.
Wow you’re amazing and doing a great job! I had a supply issue & did EVERYTHING to get it up. Lactation classes at the hospital, lactation specialists, foods,drinks etc. I breastfed for 6 weeks until one day it took me a whole days worth of pumping to get just a few drops of milk. He had a hard time latching too & I also used the shields. Id feed him formula a little as to not torture him, then put him on each side trying for 15 mins for that stimulation with him squirming or just upset bc my flow was slow, then power pump & regular pump every 2 hours! Then formula. I had to stop because of my mental health physical & my baby needed me. That colostrum in the beginning milk is what is important for them to get. I don’t know your personal reasons, but a high-quality formula can provide similar things that breast-feeding can provide.Make a list that may help. I know you had a vision of you continuing to breast-feed but things change you gotta adapt to it. Your little one needs all of you!
Around 4/5 months we started doing 50/50 too and it was hard mentally for me too! But I eventually got over it, but I was pumping alllll the time. Pumping while he was eating, and all day, it was exhausting! Around 7 months I was DONNNE with pumping and finally put the pump away, and said I’m just going to offer my boob and something changed with him where he takes my boob now, maybe his suck got better?! Maybe the older they get the stronger the suck is. He feeds now in the morning and maybe a little before a bottle or after a bottle. I feel like as long as he has a bottle there too, my boob is used as either an appetizer or a topper-offer… if I offer my boob first, I have the bottle ready so he doesn’t get upset if my milk stops. Knowing I can still give him my boob before or after feels good for me! He gets majority formula, but I wasn’t ready to be done with breastfeeding but hated the stress that came with the pumping and fussiness. So this is how I was able to make it work!
Breastfeeding is HARD! You're doing your best for your baby, give yourself lots of credit for trying, you deserve that! One thing I've definitely heard affects latch is tongue tie, but sometimes you need a private specialist to actually fix it. You've done the best you could for your baby! You're a great mum.