Mine came back at 8.5 months and still feeding at 15 months. If you’ve introduced solids this is a common time for your period to return x
Mine came back last week at 3.5 mo pp, although it might just very been a reaction from estrogen gel I was using?
I’m 13 months in to EBF & my period came back at 6 weeks post partum.
Mine came back at 11 weeks pp, and I ebf until he was a year old.
Mine came back at 5 weeks pp. Its a crap shoot and will not likely affect your supply. Mine dropped the first period but has been normal ever since
I’ve just got mine back at 6.5 months pp and I’m still EBF
I got my period 7 weeks pp with my daughter and 8 weeks with my son, ebf my first til 11 months and my son has just turned 9 months and still ebf
Mine came back 5 months pp but they’re no where near as bad as they was before hoping till stay this way!
Mine started this week, 3 months PP 😭 Took me by surprise as no warning :(
My period came back when my daughter was 6 months old. I’ve had one every month since then (I’ve heard they can come back at any point and can be irregular due to breastfeeding) I was EBF too
Mine came back after 5 months, even though I EBF and I still breastfeed him at 14 months!