Baby is most efficient at removing milk so putting baby on the boob as often as you can is best. Maybe pumping on the opposite side as baby feeds to 'empty' yourself will help if baby only takes one side. Doing this for a few days with no bottles should increase it to match baby's needs! Other than that just stay hydrated and make sure you're eating enough, especially carbs! Oats are amazing for breast milk supply x
I had this for about a week and then my supply got back to normal, I don’t know if it was coincidence but I did see a difference when I used a breastfeeding tea ( the hot mama tea one) x
Jw wondering what made u convinced that baby needed bottles of formula? When i said my baby isn’t settling on breast feeds in afternoon or evening, can i give a bottle, the 2 midwives i spoke to said no- just keep offering breast, even every hour as thats best thing in first 6-8 weeks that will increase supply… i think pumping will do it too, but there is a list of details to maximise from that too- there are some good old posts on peanut on pumping but i never got the hang of pumping for my first child. If you have been busy- maybe ur dehydrated too? That might help supply. Sorry not much concrete advice from me but would love to hear others thoughts