For me it was in the 12-16 week range when they became more aware. The amount of stuff they start learning at that point is amazing. The tired phase is going to last a while but its watching them grow and learn and be proud of themselves that makes it all worth it for me.
The first 12 weeks are the most demanding. At about 16 weeks things start to feel better!!
It will get better 😊❤️ I’d say once you baby gets into a regular sleep pattern - around 3/4 months. Then 6 months… then a year. It gets better in chunks. Make sure you drink water, eat healthy and go on walks if you can. Enjoy the contact naps and watch TV. Nap when you can. Co sleep if possible. Use lanolin for your nipples. Buy new clothes if you can. Ask for help - I wish I did. I have a toddler and it’s still hard tbh… but I’ve learnt so much and I love my daughter lots so it’s worth it! I’d look up the term matresence… your life has changed forever so try not to compare your current life to before. Motherhood involves a lot of sacrifice - you can’t do whatever you want. If you need more help, consider counselling/ talk to your health visitor.