Getting ready for labour?

Two nights ago I really thought I was going into labour. I got suddenly very tired and grumpy in the evening although I had had plenty of rest. I also got period like cramps and along with baby kicking a lot it was pretty uncomfortable. I just felt weird and thought is tonight the night. Eventually got to sleep and then woke up and I felt normal. This happened again last night. Is this my body getting ready for labour? I had a scan on Monday and I know because of that he's already in the right postion and engaged. I'm 40+1 today and just have no clue if I'm close or not
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I’m 41 weeks now and I’ve been the same for about a week and a half! Every night I feel cramps and lightening crotch and I’ve been losing mucus plug for days and days. Every night I go to bed convinced I’m going to be woken up with contractions and every morning I wake up with the light streaming in and no baby! It’s so frustrating 😂

@Heather I kind of expected this answer as seen other people been having the same experience and it goes on for ages. Surely you must be close as it says most mums go by 41+2. The waiting is agony c

Oh hopefully @Sophia! It’s torture. I just saw someone I know had their baby and she was due in March. That’s just showing off 😂😂

Yeah both my close friends went a week and two weeks early. One girl I know went 5 weeks early, I'm just like I want my baby 🥲

Me too!

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