What’s your support like?

Looking for insight. WAHMs what support do you have for your littles during work days? I have 2 under 3 and can’t get more than 20 hours a week in. I’m self employed and would like to take on more clients but I’m really not wanting to put the babies in daycare. I’m just trying to figure out how to make this work a little easier.
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I’m not self employed so I’m not sure if this will help but, I work for a call center and I was looking into having a babysitter/nanny come but even the person I found with the lowest rate($15/H) that’s what I make with my job so having them come in even only 3 days working till 1 would have taken almost if not half my check So I’m just pushing through best I can. My son is 1.5

My husband has Wednesdays and Thursdays off, so those days he does all the childcare and house stuff so I can focus on work. Mondays and Tuesdays I work while my son plays near me (my office is in the basement and his playarea is in the same area). So I work and get dinner started, and take lots of breaks, and make up for lost work time after he's asleep if I need to. And I'm lucky enough that my job gives me every other Friday off, so the Fridays I work he's with me and my husband goes into work late that day, so he takes over between lunch and 4pm when he has to go to work. I had looked into daycare for Momdays and Tuesdays, and it's more affordable only being 2 days a week (I think it was $250 a week), but wait lists are long, so for now I'm enjoying my time with him staying with me, and saving that money for a few more months (he's almost 16 months now)

I work 40 hrs 8-4:30 or 5-1 then just check emails until 4:30. I’m on a production schedule so I have to be at my computer. I have no help. Summers I might get some days that my mom comes to help. She’s a teacher and tries to spilt her time between my sister (also a WAHM) and I. My husband used to WFH too but he got called back to the office. I have two kids that are 3 and 1.

I have a mix of just me and grandparents support. I have my youngest full time but my toddler goes to my in laws a couple days a week so I can be more focused in my WFH role. My role is salary but I put in fairly significant hours, 40+. I strategically schedule my meetings when my son will be with his memaw instead of home and leave the less time sensitive stuff for the days he will be here with me.

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