Do you have a designated home office space? I have always found that helpful for switching on and off from work mode. I’ve heard colleagues even suggest doing a mock pre-work commute to get into the mindset, for instance going outside for a quick walk and coming home as if you were to have arrived at the office. Similarly, dressing in work clothes may trigger those associations and help get switched onto that way of thinking productively. Whatever connects you to work that you can match at home?! Just a thought x
Thank you both lots of great ideas here. My home office is now baby room so I have a desk in the landing which isnt ideal but all the space we have. I’ll see what I can do, thanks so much xxxx
I'm the same. I used to do all my admin on my WFH days. Now I do it all on my office days. You could try and book all your meetings for your WFH days to free up your office days for more ad hoc chats and general productivity