I went in a couple weeks ago for reduced movements. The midwife was lovely. I had a little cry saying that I just get very anxious and worried around the movements. I said the exact same thing to her saying I didn’t want to feel like a burden to them. They would much rather you go in and get checked and see everything is fine than leaving it and something POTENTIALLY being wrong. No harm going in a getting checked. Hope this help mama x
I mentioned when I went in to get checked that his movements didn't feel as strong and I got told it was most likely his positioning. They could pick up movements on the Doppler but I couldn't feel them so he was most likely kicking into me 🙈
I just went into triage and they said the exact same as you all! Baby’s completely fine. Just hate the anxious feeling and hate feeling like everyone’s going to think I’m a drama queen 😭 wish the baby could speak to me to tell me everything’s fine 🤣
Always best to be checked if not sure like everyone else has said they would rather make sure everything is ok than not
In the exact same!! I’ve been in 4 times now in the last few weeks and they say they would rather you call than not and miss something wrong because you were too nervous! It’s their job and they don’t mind🥰 xx
I am the opposite lol got two private scans before 12 weeks because I was sure it was dead and now that I feel kicks I’m like it’s fine it’s just napping even if I haven’t felt any in half a day 🫣 I’m probably too chill but live too rurally to go to triage anyway so it’s all I can do