Offering boob too much?

I know there is no such thing as over feeding a breastfed baby. But I don't know if I'm over latching and am causing myself to become a pacifier sooner or later? My son is only 2 weeks old so I know he is of course cluster feeding and growing stomach, but I'm questioning if I'm messing up by giving him the boob every time he cries/roots. Please no judgement if this is dumb to ask 😭 my first breastfeeding, with my first I solely pumped and bottlefed.
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I find mine only settles on the boob, she’s 7 weeks! But refuses a pacifier! She tends to eat until she falls asleep. She was defo latching more and cluster feeding around 2/3 weeks and then I’ve noticed her wanting to latch more again around 5/6 weeks!

Pacifiers were created to replace the breast, not the other way around. There’s absolutely no such things as latching too much. Nursing is about so much more than feeding, it’s a sense of comfort, bonding, pain relief, sleeping aid, and so much more. The more you latch, the more of a feedback loop you create with your baby to ensure they are not only getting the right nutrients but also your antibodies and all that good stuff. What you’re doing is responding to both your needs and your baby’s. You’re creating a secure attachment, which will in the long term create greater independence in your child. Congrats mama 🤍 Have a read of this this is UK national health service xx

In the long run if you continue he may only ever settle when fed but if that works for you there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. As much as there’s no such thing as over feeding a BF baby I found that my baby did get over fed she was never ever sick unless it was days where she was really grouchy so I kept feeding her and then she would be sick so you know your own baby if it works for you then don’t fix what’s not broken xx

I did exactly the same thing. My baby never cried bc as soon as she made a sound id put her on the boob. Also why she never lost weight on day 5 as she was constantly eating. My daughter started taking a dummy at 4 weeks which saved my nipples as they were dying from being used as a dummy. She put herself to sleep from 4 months, slept long stretches since day 1 and slept 12 hours all night since 7 months. So definitely what you are doing isn’t messing up anything as I did the same and she’s fine! My girl weaned herself off breastfeeding at 10 months after I started combi feeding 2 weeks prior! Ur doing great xx

You are doing beautifully! Every latch is a chance for not just milk, but connection, soothing, oxytocin. You are just creating a happy baby Follow a lactation consultant on insta, they really make the journey a bit more understandable. Linked my favourite one below

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