I dealt with this too. My baby had such a hard time latching from the beginning. She would latch briefly and let go. She would then get so frustrated. I was told by a lactation consultant that she had a “disorganized mouth.” It’s so defeating. But I’ve just been pumping as much as can so she can get some breast milk. I try to give her breast milk during the day and formula at night. It’s tough! But you’re right fed is best. Don’t feel guilty. As long as your baby is eating!
yes, I went through the same. Painful latching for a month followed by tongue tie procedure and bottle preference. It has been extremely hard because I wanted to continue breastfeeding and I had engorgements and mastitis. I started to pump and gave her half breastmilk and half formula. After a couple of weeks I managed to reduce the pumping to three times per day and she eventually got back to the breast at night and morning so at least I skipped that pumping sessions. At around 6 months she decided to refuse the bottle and wanted only breasts again 🤷🏻♀️ Probably because she started with solids and was less hungry? who knows! We can’t predict our babies sometimes! do what’s best for you, and please try not to feel guilty! there is so much pressure about breastfeeding. Pumping is very demanding and time consuming, not everyone can keep up if doesn’t have the right support (like how can you pump systematically if your baby only contact nap?) Formula fed babies grow up well too ❤️
Thank you everyone, I swore I wouldn’t put too much pressure on myself but here we are! ❤️
I also had to do this! It’s hard, but was necessary for me:/
Yes same, I went through it with my first too. Got tongue tie snipped 7 days after birth with my first and 5 with my newborn, but they already got really attached to bottles by that point and screamed their heads off with trying to get them to latch. Fed is best and no one is going to ask how you fed your baby in the near future. My daughter is all healthy on FF. But it's very hard to deal with when you want to breastfeed but can't ❤️
I had this with my son. I did express, and had enough for about 2 bottles a day but until he was 6 months old I felt such a failure. At that point I realised I had postnatal depression. We put so much pressure on ourselves, and even though everyone told me he was a happy healthy baby all I saw was my failure to feed him. If it helps at all, I'm currently breastfeeding my second baby and we've got to 6 months and still going. You have to do what's best for you as well as baby. I would definitely recommend reaching out to your GP for some help with regards mental health, they should be able to help (I was put in touch with a charity specifically for mums). You are not alone with how you feel. I would also recommend a book by Amy Brown "why breastfeeding grief and trauma matter". It helped me understand my feelings
First of all, I just want to say that I totally understand how you feel. My little one and I have been struggling as well. It definitely has not been well for my mental health either. If you ever want to chat, im here!