Breastfeeding during the night

Newly ebf mama here and just wondering how everyone is breastfeeding their babies during the night.. For context I was previously exclusively expressing and feeding my lo from a bottle as she just wouldn’t latch or feed from the breast and then just magically started at 4 months. My lg falls asleep 4/5 on the breast, after they wake up spontaneously are you fully waking them up during the night feeds or allowing them to feed half asleep/asleep?
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Well done for persevering, expressing is such hard work! At night I don't wake my little one up, I feed side lying and often doze off myself (we mostly bedshare) or if im still awake I'll transfer him gently to his next to me after the feed

I do bottle feeds during day mostly nowadays as he refuses to latch on me, but i breastfeed at night as its easier for all of us. I mostly use the nursing pillow and allow him to fall asleep on it then transfer to cot, or next to me on the bed. I have tried sidelaying but its a bit uncofortable so i dont practice it often. In general i feed when baby wakes up when he is drowsy so he can fall asleep easier, sort of like a dream feed. We are down to 2 feeds per night, he sleeps 8 to 8.

I don’t wake my son up for a feed, I change him once and it wakes him more than the other feed in the night (he’s up 2 times in the night currently)

I feed when she wakes for it, nornallly murmurs and moving head searching rather than full wake. Age would if I left her. We co sleep so I do quite a bit of side feeding now as tired 😂 but if it’s not working will sit up. Try not to wake her fully as found it best for getting her back to sleep

I can usually tell when baby wakes and is hungry rather that just needing help to settle. I do take her out of her next to me to a chair but keep things as sleepy as possible so lights out, don’t interact too much (unless she’s upset). Then I transfer back when asleep as we haven’t mastered self settle yet. She’s defo in an in between sleep / awake zone but this works for us for now as fairly quick and painless this way.

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