@Sophie yes there is plenty coming out when i try to hand express but of course i am unsure how much is still in there if that makes sense. It is a good indicator then? Exactly i had a thought that baby may be just comforting himself or not that hungry i guess??
I’m not at expert and still trying to learn it all but I always pop my LO back on the boob after a burp or do a mod feed nappy change if I think he is just on it for comfort. Or if I really don’t think he has had a great feed I put him on the other boob just to make sure. But he does love to just sit on my boob for comfort at the moment which he never used to do. Not sure if it’s a phase!
Don't worry, you will not run out! It's normal that your breasts don't feel full if the feeds are close together. Mine usually feel fuller after a long nap or stretch of sleep. As long as, as you said, baby feeds well, puts on weight and has plenty of wet nappies then they're getting what they need. Babies also like to be on the breast for comfort so it's also normal and does not mean you ran out of milk! It sounds like you're both doing amazing! 🥰
Thank you both ❤️
If baby is on/off feeding, feeding for a long time or even what you think is for comfort it could be due to: - cluster feeding - growth spurt (they’ll keep on/off to increase your supply for this) - gas/reflux.
Your boobs will never be empty. As feeding become established, your boobs just feel softer. Pump output is no indication of your supply and baby will always be more efficient at the boob than any pump. If you want to pump, do it overnight or after morning feed. This is when your supply is at its best. But in terms of baby, if they're feeding on demand, putting on weight and good nappy output, there's nothing to worry yourself with x
Have you tried hand expressing to see if any milk comes out? I worry that my boobs are empty but then give them a squeeze and realise it’s my LO being lazy on the boob!