Were you dilated when they attempted the sweep? I elected for an induction (this is my 3rd baby) I could not have had a more positive experience. I can’t comment on the pessary. They checked me the day before so they did a sweep which didn’t do anything much, they just told me to call the next day and they’ll give me a time. I went in and was monitored for a bit, they broke my waters and started pitocin. I have previous precipitous labours so I went from 4cm to baby in 1hr32mins. I danced, I laughed so hard that I laughed most of my waters out. Pain wise it was pretty manageable, I had gas/air, it wasn’t much different to my 2nd all natural no pain relief labour. Advocate for yourself, ask lots of questions. My midwife was great and he helped me turn baby into an optimal position & gave me lots of suggestions (hand expressing during the induction to help speed things along, peanut ball to help dilation, he encouraged movement & certain exercises/showers) and he listened to me
I had 3 x pessary, each pessary lasts 6 hours. There is a small gap between first and second pessary, then they wait 24 hours till third pessary if its needed. If that dont start anything they do the hormone drip, which I had 2 lots of before contractions properly got going (ie the painful ones!). I got my first pessary at 1pm on Monday, then was taken to labour ward Tuesday around 5pm for hormone drip, painful contractions started around 5am wednesday, baby girl born 2pm Wednesday. Not gonna lie its a long winded process and the insertion of the pessary hurts, but I needed the induction due to GD and had to have baby by 39 weeks. My advice - dont rule out epidural - I lost all energy before the actual pain started and I needed the epidural to give myself rest and energy for the real pain to start and the pushing, dont think I could have got through it all without. All a distant memory now and seems like it was so fast but in the moment it does feel long and slow! All the best xx
I haven’t had an induction but just wanted you to know that unless there’s a genuine medical reason you don’t need to have an induction at 40+5. My first baby arrived in his own time at 41+2. Waiting didn’t cause any problems for us.
I had an induced labour with the hormonal pessary for my first child. Nothing but good things to say… even though I did over contract and they had to remove it at 3am, I just enjoyed being kept in the labour ward as I was in the best hands rather than worrying at home! I then had a really quick labour (2 hours) ventousse delivery, episiotomy which healed perfectly and really quickly, epidural etc. May sound a little traumatic to others but I hope my second goes as smooth! Best of luck!! X
My first baby was 10 days late- not induced, quick and easy birth. Second baby induced due to medical advice and extremely painful, needed an epidural and then ventouse delivery.
You can decline sweeps and an induction of you don't want them. Lots of women go 12-14 days overdue don't rush into anything without a decent medical reason 🥺 (unless it's genuinely what you want of course) ☺️
You can decline the induction and they can offer you more monitoring, you can try the sweep instead of the induction first, you can have up to 3. But in terms of induction itself, I haven't had one so unsure!