My boy is the same he just naps on and off throughout the day, still quite alot to be fair. If we're at home then once he's asleep I usually put him in his crib (video monitor on) so I can get things done, but he definitely has no set times, and like your little one it doesn't effect his night times (usually sleeps 8pm-6am atm) X x
I don’t, I kinda know that he is awake usually 1/1.5 hours then will want a sleep but will just sleep wherever. Car, pram, on me, swing, play mat! I am the same with feeding just go with the flow when he is hungry sometimes it’s more sometimes it’s less. Our routine is mainly around my 2 year old and baby just slots in with that x
Only problem I find is she doesn't sleep more than maybe 30-40 mins at home but will sleep for 2 hours in the pram! Not sure if I'm making a rod for my own back? But glad it's not just me - thank you ❤️
Exactly the same as you. Feeds and sleeps on demand. Don’t follow a routine at all. He sleeps when and where he likes but I won’t take him upstairs in his cot. He also has to do the school run with me so it involves picking him up and usually he wakes 😩
Exactly the same in our house! Just sleeps when she’s tired and often for only 20 mins at a time unless in her pram or baby carrier. As long as it suits you, don’t worry about what anyone else is doing!
Exactly the same as you, feed and sleep on demand, no nap routine and doesnt overly affect his sleep, getting 6-8 hours in one stretch now (EBF baby) x
I’m exactly the same as you! 😊
Same here! We’ve always followed him and he sleeps a 9-11hr stretch overnight. Sometimes he’ll only have 2hrs worth of naps a day and others 5. He’ll nap about 30ish mins in his cot, but in his pram he’ll sleep for hours
In the same as you and I was the same with my eldest. She’s 3 in July and sleeps perfectly fine so it’s done her no harm 😅 I don’t know how anyone gets anything done if they need to base everything around being home for nap time! X
I've only been intentionally placing my LG in her cot for naps, but I mainly go by her sleepy cues. :)
Yeah I'm the same. I'm only just learning when she NEEDS to go down so then I will deliberately try and get her to sleep but most of the time I just follow her lead! She's two young to sleep alone anyway so she drops off wherever I am!
Yip, I do baby led naps and feeds. Worked with my eldest and works for this wee one too. I think everyone needs to do what works best for them and their little one. 😁 Xx
I'm exactly the same as you. My little boy naps when he needs to nap. I have a bit of a routine at night, but growth spurts, teething, etc, have a big impact on the quality of his naps / night time sleep. Every baby and parent are so different....I'm just following what my baby needs and wants!