Tips on creating a routine

My baby is 10 weeks old and I’m having a hard time with naps during the day. Up until this point I’ve been following his lead on when he wants to sleep etc. but he’s been refusing sleep during the day which leads to horrible nights. I try to my best to put him to nap but he’s just stares at me eyes wide open for hours and I mean hoursssssssss. Nothing helps putting him down he won’t even contact nap. I want to create a routine so he has a little more structure but I’m not sure where to start any tips?
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He is definitely getting overtired and as much as I try following his sleeping cues he just won’t go down. I swaddle, feed, change him, put him in a quiet space, literally everything. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. He is also teething so I think that’s adding on to the discomfort.

Do u have a swing? That helps a lot of babies sleep!

@Madelynn yep it works early in the morning for maybe 10 minutes and that’s about it 😔

Some babies just refuse to sleep. Im so sorry that sucks😟

Have you tried contact naps with a sling/carrier? Naps in the pram saved us! It’s a quick fix if you’re desperate and then will lead to a better night but I know it’s not something you want to do for everyone nap. Making sure before the nap activities are chilled and you have a wind down period for baby x

Have you tried a bath? My baby loves bath and they relax him so much!! He is now 11weeks and sleeps 4-5 hrs at night Before waking up to feed then goes back to sleep. During the day i try to put him on his play mat to play and tummy time. However, there are days where I just forget to or just don’t have energy to put him in the mat. I do notice a difference when I bathe him and when I don’t. I try to keep the time consistently too. Hope it gets better!

For teething, have you tried some frozen breastmilk? I am barely producing milk but I pump and freeze some then put it into one of those pacies with the holes in it. He loves them!

Are you following wake windows for this age? This helps get baby down for a nap before they reach over tired. I can’t remember the window for this age but google will tell you. I think it roughly could be 1-1.5 hours so make sure you try get them back to sleep before they reach this from when they woke up. This age is hard as they won’t have a routine as such! Also make sure they are not getting day and night confusion by letting light in and noise in the day and dark and quiet at night. Are you breast feeding or bottle feeding? feeding to sleep is common at this age, but rocking, white noise, patting and shh’ing can all help too! I know it’s hard as well but try not to stress as they can sense that! Also is there any other reason they could be refusing sleep, reflux etc?

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