I have,same as above she was waking up every time we went to toilet etc. we got a camera in her room so we can still keep an eye on her. Best decision I made
Thanks ladies. Our cotbed is arriving next week and I feel we are keeping her awake when we come in at night or turning in bed.
I did with my first born, he went in at 3m. I monitored him by a camera and followed the safe sleep guidelines. We all slept so much better!! However baby girl isn’t ready yet she’s still waking multiple times in the night
We have, however I do have a bed in there just incase I want to sleep in there or co sleep with him. We’ve had a bit of rough patch through the sleep regression so he’s not actually done a full night on his own
@Courtney can you explain what you did for the furbet method?
Following for advice
We have about 80%! She goes to sleep in her room and then stays there until her first wake up - sometimes she doesn’t wake until the next morning, sometimes she wakes up for a feed and then she’s in her bed in our room. We’ve all slept much better since we did that!
@Megan it's sleep training, very contraverisal to do it but it's what worked for baby and us. He would always go off to sleep himself but he couldn't self soothe when waking in the night (I knew he wasn't hungry, in pain or needed changing). When he woke and was unsettled would set a timer on our phone for three mins then go in and settle for 20 secs then go back out. Set time for 5 mins, do the same then timer for 7 mins. There's lots of info online and you can choose your own intervals for what works for you xx He is now very happy and can settle himself back to sleep when needed, he also now takes much longer naps in the day ☺️
I have - he was getting disturbed by us in the night. He also had a bit of the 4 month regression so we used the Ferber method and he now sleeps through ☺️ happier mumma and baby 🤍