My lo has a bottle before bed (oat milk because she can’t have cows milk). It’s only 150 ml so not loads but she loves it.
Yeah we’re still giving our LO a bottle at 6pm every evening before she goes to bed at 7 x
Yea bottle before bed
Mine still has a bottle before bed and bottles in the night. She is obsessed. About to attempt to get rid of them and I’m dreading it.
@Alex we've just weaned off bottles. It was 3 nights of him refusing milk from a cup but eventually he adjusted. It wasn't half as bad as we thought (he would have a bottle at bedtime and wake up during the night looking for it too) xxx
My lo is still having an 8oz bottle of milk before bed think I will try and start introducing a cup of milk in the next month or so but we do bottle on his rocking chair in his room & then stories & bed so maybe try the cup of milk while having stories
Mine has 7oz of cows milk 45 minutes before bed
mine has a bottle of cows milk before bed!x